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Finally, some evolvement! Lots of naked Neko also (I have to say I don't mind, tehee XD).
But that Shirou sword manifestation and his sentence "I has been lying to you all the time" was super-lame o_O
He is joking and making Kurou idoit again and again and Kurou still believes him - that's the worst character reaction I have seen in a long time.
Things are starting to get clear now. I guess that dude is the colourless king or something.
Neko is such a kewt lil hawty; aws ^ - ^ Oh, and: "Vater unser im Himmelreich"-classy x)
The story is finally coming together piece by piece. Things are becoming a bit clearer now. Shiro may indeed be the colorless king. I wonder who that guy was in the blimp, and why did he knock Shiro off in the first place? Will watch more to find out!
I always find it odd when anime has rain but noone gets really wet. Also kuro got his ass kicked and going by anime logic if the colorless king is the weakest that means hes the strongest. It must suck for shiro knowing everything is a lie. Though he seems to take it rather well.
Why is Shiro blushing?
Dem lights.
Seri oppai.
Dat Neko booty.
Dat Seri body.
Reisi is here.
Dat Neko oppai.
YO!!!!!!!!!!!! LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!! Reisi just bitch slapped Kuroh! LMFAO!!!!! I'M SCREAMING!!!!!!
Reisi got one hand behind his back. Rude!
Shiro came back.
Hold up! WTF!!!!
Dat sword!
Kuroh punched Reisi.
Dat Neko power.
Dat rewind.
So that's how the hole appeared.
lol at Neko blushing.
Dat Neko power.
Its that long haired guy.
Dat fall.
Dat ending.
Neko's ED is back. Yes!
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
So it was Neko who was related to nobody remembering Shiro, never trust the sly cat. Never the less we got a new mystery...who the hell is the guy who kicked Shiro from his zeppelin? thingy