I started riding a 1290 adv, great highway bike, huge off road, then traded it for a 790 adv R, better off road but still a handful and tons of recalls, so I switched and traded for a Honda XR650L, great bike, simple electronics bullet proof, gave it to my son and I purchased a Honda CRF-450RL, upgraded the ECU, Tubliss in the tires, and feel i now have the machine that fits me perfectly. Carries my Mosko Moto’s 80L reckless like a champ. I carry a 14 tooth front sprocket in case there’s a lot of tarmac, i can do pretty burly trails on this bike. Love my Honda!
Nice, glad you found your perfect fit, I came close to the 450, but opted for more comfort and built in fuel range straight from the showroom. But yeah, certainly a great option. 👍
Yeah, I know where you're coming from, every time I ride my Rally, I think to myself, I did not once wish I was on the Tenere. It's weird, must be the saying, it's more fun to ride a slow bike fast, than a fast bike slow. Even though I could get the Tenere going at a reasonable pace, it's just so much more relaxing on the Rally.
I downsized from my Aprilia Tuareg 660 to a Husqvarna 701 Enduro because it’s 100lbs lighter and it’s very noticeable when you get into the more difficult technical stuff. Light is right!
I 100% agree with you. The T7 is big! Like my vstrom 650 it’s much bigger than it gets credit for. I would love one as my road/touring bike, but for anything technical, I’m picking my DR650 every time.
Yep the DR650 is an awesome allrounder. and the Vstroms are up there in weight and size. I pretty much always take the Rally now days as road/trail conditions can vary so much especially after rain. I think these big ADVs have their place in our countries, but they're more aimed at European countries, where off road is limited /Restricted.
Great perspective buddy! I'm a beginner rider and am seriously looking at the crf300l. 6'2 and 270 pounds but I think with suspension upgrades and a few other tweaks it should be good. Thanks for the video!
Just in case you did not know you can change that white rev limiter light by adjusting it on your dash using the two buttons on the left, They come from the factory set low to help with break in, after that set it higher. Great video. I'm the same age as you and have had my Rally since 2022. I Love mine.
Agree with all you said mate, if I was a wiser man I'd have gone with the 300 😎 However I have no regrets with the 690 so far. Thanks for the mention haha (gonna assume I'm the Josh you were referring to 😝) nice trails and quick save on that creek crossing. Good stuff mate 👌
Yep your the Josh, (can't find a wheelie Emoji 🤣), yeah the 690 was on my short list, the Salesman where I bought the Honda tried to convince me to go the red version of yours. They had a pretty good deal at the time, but then Id have to add screen tank etc. And I'd probably kill myself with Tenere type power in something so light. I'm happy with the Rally you have to work a bit to get it moving, but it's fun. Yeah, the creek crossing restart was purely instinct, I couldn't believe I restarted it so quick. Cheers.
I've had CRF250L as my first bike for nearly 50.000km, now its going to be 450MT for more road going comfort while retaining some offroad options. 300 Rally is a great light Adv, they sorted the gearing from 250L as well as added some more torque to it. It was good before, its better now, just needs suspension which you have done. For this kind of riding its perfect, there is absolutely no need for more power when you get used to the machine. For example KTM 390 Adv really has no more power then the crf300 below 5-6k rpm, many bikes are like that. Thats why with CRF you can keep up and it feels more powerful, because it has some low down and gearing adds to it. Also I explored my whole area with 250L for 8 years, I would not know more then half of those trails if I had to do it on a 200kg machine.
I'm getting a 450mt as a second to my crf250l rally. The power to weight ratio is terrible. I'm either wringing the shit out of the throttle or shifting a lot. Wide open, straight road terrain, it is fine. Once you add hills and turns in dirt track, you just never have power where you need it. I'm looking forward to riding something with low rpm torque
@@thehoelzels6316 Never ridden the 250, but I find the 300 surprisingly torquey. Hope you like the MT, The weight is a bit of a worry, you'll still need to shift a bit on it depending on the terrain. Test ride one, is the best option, if you haven't already. Cheers for the comment, it's nice to get everyone's ideas.
Thanks Jethro, couldn’t agree more about weight being the primary concern. I recognised some of the trails in your video and love this kind of riding. A bike like my WR250F is fine but having to lift up or turn round a bike that weighs 50+ kgs more puts these trails out of reach.
Yeah, Had the WR250F but an old one, just before electric start, awesome bike. Id' probably own the WR if I lived closer to the trails, shame they got rid of the WRR I owned one of them as well. I traditionally have blue blood, but all the manufacturers are chasing horsepower, which means weight. I think the sweet spot would be a 6 speed WR350R with similar protection as the rally. Cheers for the comment. 👍
Good vid, sound advice. I stick by my T7 but am well aware off the commitment set up required to handle the big girl correctly in the rough country. Example....at the moment my fitness is not what it should be, I've made the mistake a few times of testing the friendship between myself and the big t7 when not at my best and it is not a nice experience. Good to see an experienced rider such as yourself giving real world advice, you WILL have a far better time on a light bike while learning or not at your best..not to mention the running cost as you won't damage the lighter bike as much in the snot..great vid m8, Stella tracks 2 ay. Kind regards JB
Thanks JB, for the kind words. 👍 Yeah, I love my T7, but I'm sitting here typing this after hernia surgery, not necessarily caused by my T7 but wear and tear is a real thing as you age. ATM I've kept my T7 so my son has something to ride when he visits, it's a bit of overkill, because I ride the rally most, these days, but my sons at a stage of life where bike ownership doesn't fit into his immediate family goals. Still deciding what to do with the T7. I'd like to downsize it a bit so my son has something a bit lighter to ride, and I'd have an interesting alternative, but when I look into the options, I just say the Rally is better what's the point. The new KTM 390 adventure looks like a good middle ground, but I've never owned Orange in my life, and the current state of the company would be worrying. After May, we'll see how the KTM thing pans out a bit better.
Have a T7 and a Beta 390 Street Legal. Glad to have both, but do find myself on the T7 more often than not. 80% dirt. Find its a better ride on the Forest roads and two tracks I ride on. Single track, beta all day long.
Great Combo you have there, yeah the T7 would have done most of that ride, but no exploring the new stuff. It would have handled most of the new stuff in hindsight, but I'm solo, so not willing to risk it anymore. Cheers for Comment .
Was debating between the CRF Rally and XRs closest equivalent in UK FX650. Went for the FX650 as it is only 10kg heavier than the Rally but has stronger frame, more simple to repair on side of the road running gear and bags of power and torque. It feels like a handful on some technical trails but I would imagine it is still a lot more manageable than a 200kg adv bike. Light weight is the key to having fun and exploring with confidence.
Geez couldn't agree more..I know what my lifting limit is now and my stats are similar to yours, but I'm only 70kg ! I like the Himi 450 but the weight scares me off. 👍
Good content Jethro, best wishes ! PS something like a Husqvarna 701 is a bit lighter than a CRF but has much better suspension! It’s also good on the road ! Exciting to ride ! *Which the CRF 300 is definitely not*
Yes, I considered the 701, but it is slightly heavier wet especially if you add another tank to boost the fuel range or buy the Long Range version, and it was like double the price of the Rally. Plus I've kept my T7 for now, so it's much better on the road. But to be honest with you, the riding I do, I rarely miss the T7.
I got gold valve and extra spring in the forks from Racetech ($350). My front is sorted now. Take a look at 550 Performance, tuned ecu and 3d printed, high flow airbox snorkle. With exhaust, it really opens up the engine. My tuned up Rally is the ultimate adv here in Indonesia. For European adv rides, I need dirt capable adv bike. I got the MT450. No heavy duty off road rudung planned, it's already too heavy.
Nice, still deciding on front, sounds like a good setup you have. Yeah, all the go fast bits I'm in no rush, so long as it doesnt reduce the torque down low, I'll be in eventually, got 2 years warranty here in AUS on this purchase so I might wait a bit longer. Yeah can't wait to get rid of the sewing machine sounding exhaust but I don't want to go too loud. What pipe did you get? Thanks for the comment. 👍
@jethrowingnut13 For the front, go directly with Racetech. They have multiple rate springs to match your weight, most "retail" shops only carry the haviest rate spring. I made that mistake and had to re order from Racetech. I have Black Widow from the UK. Nice quality, but it is too loud. As for the 550performance snorkel/ecu, it is a very nice setup, smooths out the factory fueling. It also allows the engine to breathe properly. I didn't notice any loss of torque. The bike actually pulls harder and longer into the rpm rage. Lots or reviews here on utube.
@@pawelwolski1316 Cheers for info. Sounds good. I don't know if you watched Big Rock Motos review of Arri Hennings 301cc Big bore kit, that is Impressive. I was timing him admittedly it wasn't from standstill but he was doing zero (adjusted guessed) to 100kph 60mph in 8 ish seconds, my stock rally takes 12 seconds, so big improvement there . He had it geared up with a 15T countershaft as well for cruising speed, I think it had a cam and obviously the barrel on top of your mods.
@jethrowingnut13 That would be the ultimate setup, I think. It would make the Rally very close to the unicorn bike. With that power, extended road work would be lot less "painful." I live in Indonesia, and my 2023 Rally is still 249cc, road tax reason, bla bla. I still have the shorter stroke crank, rod, and piston. To get the big bore installed, I would need all these extra parts, split the engine..........All my riding here is on small roads, 90-100 kmh is going fast here. Last thing, if you look around, there is an "issue" with the 300 (i also have it) clutch burning up. You can install the whole 250 clutch assembly. I got rid of the shudder springs, installed full-size/area friction plate, and HD clutch springs. The clutch pull is a bit heavier but reasonable. I feel better about the clutch now. Sorry for the "bad" news.
@@pawelwolski1316 Not bad news, I knew about it. I think the CBR300 clutch drops straight in, I'm not heavy on the clutch, we'll see how it goes. Thanks for the info.
Agree I had a ktm 950 and still have a CCM GP450 145kg wet and recently been playing with a ktm 790. And only benefit of the 790 is when riding on the black top. Even just pushing it around the garage the 790 is a pain. Just need light weight bike with 60 to 70 bhp for the highway send.
Yeah, Its amazing how 50kg difference feels like double, must be the top heavy nature of twin cylinder bikes. Agreed for highway send. yeah, I got real interested in the ccm GP450 when they were announced, the dealer network just seemed sus.
You need to look at the big bore kits with air box and intake upgrades. They also add cb300 cams typically, along with 91 octane remapping. This is good for @ 10hp at the rear wheel. This allows for 38-15 gear changes and comfortable 70+ mph hyway cruising.
Yeah, once I get a few more k's and out of Warranty I'll definitely look at this. I watch Big Rock Motos review of Ari Hennings (Revzilla) Big bore setup and his bike was 4 seconds faster than mine 0-60 mph. Huge difference.
Cheers for the comment, yeah, it's a tricky topic, all depends on the trails you ride. Thing is the T7 may be great for 90% of the ride then theres that 10% or unknown trail that may make it a nightmare, or even turn around and go back. Ha ha I'm sitting here typing this after Hernia surgery, so from now on, my moto is definitely "Light is Right" . 🤣
Nice, I guess the XR covers any highway, never ridden one, I've got 1-2 hours to get to the dirt, depending on which direction I head, so I appreciate the comfort of the Rally. Cheers for the comment.👍
I know those tracks well. I often do a big loop starting from sussex, thru the trails, over the highway, then hawthorn and wandandian back home. I do some wild shit on the 250L haha
Agree totally. Poor choice of words on my behalf in the video. That's half the problem is the small bike stigma projected by mainly the press and RUclipsrs etc. It's like you've got to have a big heavy tank to call yourself an ADV rider.🤣
I looked at the honda's, was going to the 300 rally, till I was told about the lightest dual sport out there full tank and 135kg, WR250R,does everything no regrets.Good Vid.
Cheers, yeah I had the WR250R before my first Tenere660, wish I'd kept it had the 12 litre tank pipe and ECU, very close to the Rally that's for sure, with better suspension out the box, shame they're no longer available in Aus New.
Low speed is definitely the achilles heel of the T7. Its a flowey double track bike. I do love my T7 though. I am constantly thinking sbout going to a smaller bike again, but when i have the smaller bike im always wanting the bigger bike lol. I think my unicorn lies somewhere in the middle. Maybe a 390 adventure r.
Yeah , that's as heigh as I'd go and I considered the GAS GAS ES700 (same-ish) but then I'd have to add another tank or bladder for equivalent range then the equivalent weight goes up. Add a screen etc. but certainly a very popular platform.
This probably only makes sense if you live in a place like Australia, I owned both at the same time and the CRF is a wimp, I done quite a bit off roading on the tenere and I'm happy with it. I sold the crf straight on. If you want a duel sport bike get a xr400 and put a big stator on it for electrics
I'm getting a small dual sport. It's just too dangerous for me to be riding a 475lb bike off road. It makes me very cautious about where I go vs just enjoying where I go.
1000% correct, you get it 😃. If the trail got technical on my T7 I was happy at the accomplishment after the fact and the challenge, but on a lighter bike, it's just pure fun. Thanks for the comment.👍
I have a T7 and a KlX300 which has better suspension than the Honda but looking forward to the new 300l rally which is supposed to have upgraded suspension
I just found your site and have been enjoying your videos. I have a 300 L on order and I am watching and researching what I am going to do on the bike when I get it. Since you have a Yamaha as well as the Honda have you heard of people installing a G6 throttle tube onto a CRF Honda 300 L to shorten up throttle rotation? thanks RJ
Had mine over 3 years now... not seen anything I'd prefer yet, the new ktm 390 adventure is looking good... it might have more power, but at what cost, it seems to have a lot of tech on it.
Yeah, I've always had my sights on that platform, but its not getting any lighter, (At least the ADV variant 176kg wet) once again they're using an enduro champion to make it look light. Put Luggage on it and your back to a T7 Almost. That's why I got the Rally, it was the Lightest in class. But I'm still very curious to see how the whole KTM thing goes over the next few months, they're still not out of the woods yet.
Great videos! I'm also on a Rally and have set it up with suspension and a few other goodies to make it better with my 95kg weight plus 15kg riding gear + up to 45kg luggage on a trip up to the gulf last July. I went up 2 teeth on the rear sprocket to help 6th gear hold on hills easier. What's that road with those rock formations?
more like 190+, to ride tenere well you have to be able to put a hand between your ass and the seat while standing on both legs. There is a reason there is no 170cm pol tares.
Yeah 125 GPS, and smooth, don't know how long I'd ride that fast for, I was just joining trails, but it gets along well for what it is. There a lot more power to be got from this engine as well, with some mods.
Yeah, theres a big power difference to the T7 , not really an issue on the trail though as stated in the video any more than 40HP off road is really a waste or just good for wheelies etc. just depends on what you want to do with the bike. The CRF feels pretty aneamic after riding the T7 for sure. But get in some gnarly off-road and the CRF rules. You do need to keep on the throttle on the CRF, which may wear some people out.
Yeah, it's looking good, however the cloud over KTM's future is a worry. I hope they are already manufactured, apparently KTM has a huge inventory of bikes they need to sell. I wouldn't think they'd be making more before clearing some of their current stock. Just my opinion, I have no idea. 😁
@@jethrowingnut13yeah I have a tiger 800 for two up riding w the gf it’s heavy for the trails I like , got a klx w 351 big bore on it for adv riding weights 305lbs way better than a t7 or dr 650 for the woods stuff I get into
Not sure , best to get a test ride, I just bought some 1" bar risers, and I'm only 178cm. You may be a bit cramped, I'd google it as well and get the consensus. You're height is great for the upgraded suspension setup, I'm just not sure about the rider triangle, some owners have lowered footpegs as well I think.
@ cheers mate, yeah definitely have to do a test ride! I do suspect that the ergos will not work for me. But I plan on getting one for my gf, then I can always give it another go 😬 I may look into the new drz when they hit showrooms
@@jethrowingnut13 yes!! I just spoke to my local dealer in Denmark - 105k DKK!! That’s 24k AUD But taxes on bikes and cars here are MENTAL anyways; my world raid cost me almost 38k AUD here, and that’s a demo bike I imported from Germany. New they are over 43k AUD
People watch guys like Chris Birch, Adam Riemann, Pol Tarres and think they'll do the same. But thats not going to happen. Heavy bikes are useless unless one is doing highway riding and if one is just doing highway ridinf why would you need a bike?
Truth is, if you're not already a competent hard enduro rider, of course, the T7 will be harder to handle than a crf300l in the tough stuff. But as an advanced rider at 28yrs and 6'3" 220lbs.. I'll be damned if I'm put on a 27hp bike that weighs 330lbs! If I'm getting an adventure bike, it has to be able to cruise 80mph on the highway. Otherwise, I'll just ride my dirtbike???
@@Bingo_Bango_69 Pretty sensible comment, I came from 40 plus years of riding dirtbikes and farmbikes and at 60 years old and under 80kg I can handle my T7 no worries on fairly hard offroad, I love it on the road and just realise it's limits offroad, for real hard enduro I still have my 450 enduro and trailer it to the trails.
My son had the DR350 which had 6 speeds, why Suzuki dumped the 6th gear I'll never know. The DRZ400 was on my short list, but I like the comfort on road of the Rally. Cheers.
Which one the 450 or 300, If you're talking about the 300, just get the Rally. I tried the 450 already moded, went well, but even with bigger tank fuel range was still low, clutch pull and maintenance intervals put me off. Plus screen etc.
Yeah, I've always had my sights on that platform, but its not getting any lighter, (At least the ADV variant 176kg wet) once again they're using an enduro champion to make it look light. Put Luggage on it and your back to a T7 Almost. That's why I got the Rally, it was the Lightest in class. But I'm still very curious to see how the whole KTM thing goes over the next few months, they're still not out of the woods yet.
I agree I used to own a t7rally lowered by 20mm I am 5ft 8 and 75 kg but I got tiered of picking her up and do not regret buying a crf 300rally she is such a fun all rounder just miss that top end power for overtaking on fast roads but that is not why I ride bikes.🫣I like being free to go off or in road I am looking forward to the bmw 450 concept but that is another 25 kg so may be to heavy ??
Yeah, It seems like Honda is the Only one that gets the Light Weight Adventure Bike concept. Everything else is a compromise, Wouldn't mind a ride on a AGP PR7 but they are like rocking horse shit, trying to find one at least in AUS. The BMW will be interesting for sure. Everyone says we are spoilt for choice, but are we everything seems like a compromise. If you don't want to cruise all day at 80MPH or loft the wheel in higher gears, then the Rally is the least compromise. /cheers for the comment.👍
I started riding a 1290 adv, great highway bike, huge off road, then traded it for a 790 adv R, better off road but still a handful and tons of recalls, so I switched and traded for a Honda XR650L, great bike, simple electronics bullet proof, gave it to my son and I purchased a Honda CRF-450RL, upgraded the ECU, Tubliss in the tires, and feel i now have the machine that fits me perfectly. Carries my Mosko Moto’s 80L reckless like a champ. I carry a 14 tooth front sprocket in case there’s a lot of tarmac, i can do pretty burly trails on this bike. Love my Honda!
Nice, glad you found your perfect fit, I came close to the 450, but opted for more comfort and built in fuel range straight from the showroom. But yeah, certainly a great option. 👍
I got rid of my adventure bike and now ride a klx300. Very happy with might light dual sport. These bikes are winners.
Yeah, I know where you're coming from, every time I ride my Rally, I think to myself, I did not once wish I was on the Tenere. It's weird, must be the saying, it's more fun to ride a slow bike fast, than a fast bike slow. Even though I could get the Tenere going at a reasonable pace, it's just so much more relaxing on the Rally.
Yes lightweight is the way to go!I am 66 and will never get rid of my crf 300 l😊
Yep, My Rally's a keeper.👍
@@robertkoper3039 I'm 68 and I enjoy my KTM500EXCF 👍✌
I downsized from my Aprilia Tuareg 660 to a Husqvarna 701 Enduro because it’s 100lbs lighter and it’s very noticeable when you get into the more difficult technical stuff. Light is right!
100% 👍
I 100% agree with you. The T7 is big! Like my vstrom 650 it’s much bigger than it gets credit for. I would love one as my road/touring bike, but for anything technical, I’m picking my DR650 every time.
Yep the DR650 is an awesome allrounder. and the Vstroms are up there in weight and size. I pretty much always take the Rally now days as road/trail conditions can vary so much especially after rain. I think these big ADVs have their place in our countries, but they're more aimed at European countries, where off road is limited /Restricted.
Great perspective buddy! I'm a beginner rider and am seriously looking at the crf300l. 6'2 and 270 pounds but I think with suspension upgrades and a few other tweaks it should be good. Thanks for the video!
The comment about the tyre being loud on the road no other channel has mentioned that.👍 excellent information
Yes it was unexpected to me as well. and its not getting any better with wear either.
Just in case you did not know you can change that white rev limiter light by adjusting it on your dash using the two buttons on the left, They come from the factory set low to help with break in, after that set it higher. Great video. I'm the same age as you and have had my Rally since 2022. I Love mine.
Cheers yes I knew this, just been lazy, and its a good speed alert , I may change it though thanks.
Agree with all you said mate, if I was a wiser man I'd have gone with the 300 😎 However I have no regrets with the 690 so far. Thanks for the mention haha (gonna assume I'm the Josh you were referring to 😝) nice trails and quick save on that creek crossing. Good stuff mate 👌
Yep your the Josh, (can't find a wheelie Emoji 🤣), yeah the 690 was on my short list, the Salesman where I bought the Honda tried to convince me to go the red version of yours. They had a pretty good deal at the time, but then Id have to add screen tank etc. And I'd probably kill myself with Tenere type power in something so light. I'm happy with the Rally you have to work a bit to get it moving, but it's fun. Yeah, the creek crossing restart was purely instinct, I couldn't believe I restarted it so quick. Cheers.
I've had CRF250L as my first bike for nearly 50.000km, now its going to be 450MT for more road going comfort while retaining some offroad options. 300 Rally is a great light Adv, they sorted the gearing from 250L as well as added some more torque to it. It was good before, its better now, just needs suspension which you have done. For this kind of riding its perfect, there is absolutely no need for more power when you get used to the machine. For example KTM 390 Adv really has no more power then the crf300 below 5-6k rpm, many bikes are like that. Thats why with CRF you can keep up and it feels more powerful, because it has some low down and gearing adds to it. Also I explored my whole area with 250L for 8 years, I would not know more then half of those trails if I had to do it on a 200kg machine.
100% agree, its a torquey little motor, and under rated by those that haven't ridden one. Yep why I got the Rally was missing the exploration.
I'm getting a 450mt as a second to my crf250l rally. The power to weight ratio is terrible. I'm either wringing the shit out of the throttle or shifting a lot.
Wide open, straight road terrain, it is fine. Once you add hills and turns in dirt track, you just never have power where you need it.
I'm looking forward to riding something with low rpm torque
@@thehoelzels6316 Never ridden the 250, but I find the 300 surprisingly torquey. Hope you like the MT, The weight is a bit of a worry, you'll still need to shift a bit on it depending on the terrain. Test ride one, is the best option, if you haven't already. Cheers for the comment, it's nice to get everyone's ideas.
@jethrowingnut13 once the 250 wears out, I'll be getting a 450RL to replace it. I really do like the light weight
@@thehoelzels6316 Sounds like a perfect combo.
Great video, anyone thinking of getting into the adventure bike segment should watch this.
Cheer appreciate it.
Thanks Jethro, couldn’t agree more about weight being the primary concern. I recognised some of the trails in your video and love this kind of riding. A bike like my WR250F is fine but having to lift up or turn round a bike that weighs 50+ kgs more puts these trails out of reach.
Yeah, Had the WR250F but an old one, just before electric start, awesome bike. Id' probably own the WR if I lived closer to the trails, shame they got rid of the WRR I owned one of them as well. I traditionally have blue blood, but all the manufacturers are chasing horsepower, which means weight. I think the sweet spot would be a 6 speed WR350R with similar protection as the rally. Cheers for the comment. 👍
Good vid, sound advice. I stick by my T7 but am well aware off the commitment set up required to handle the big girl correctly in the rough country. Example....at the moment my fitness is not what it should be, I've made the mistake a few times of testing the friendship between myself and the big t7 when not at my best and it is not a nice experience. Good to see an experienced rider such as yourself giving real world advice, you WILL have a far better time on a light bike while learning or not at your best..not to mention the running cost as you won't damage the lighter bike as much in the snot..great vid m8, Stella tracks 2 ay. Kind regards JB
Thanks JB, for the kind words. 👍 Yeah, I love my T7, but I'm sitting here typing this after hernia surgery, not necessarily caused by my T7 but wear and tear is a real thing as you age. ATM I've kept my T7 so my son has something to ride when he visits, it's a bit of overkill, because I ride the rally most, these days, but my sons at a stage of life where bike ownership doesn't fit into his immediate family goals. Still deciding what to do with the T7. I'd like to downsize it a bit so my son has something a bit lighter to ride, and I'd have an interesting alternative, but when I look into the options, I just say the Rally is better what's the point. The new KTM 390 adventure looks like a good middle ground, but I've never owned Orange in my life, and the current state of the company would be worrying. After May, we'll see how the KTM thing pans out a bit better.
Very good video, good rides, good ideas...subscribed...thanks.
Thanks for subscribing, glad you enjoyed it! 👍
Have a T7 and a Beta 390 Street Legal. Glad to have both, but do find myself on the T7 more often than not. 80% dirt. Find its a better ride on the Forest roads and two tracks I ride on. Single track, beta all day long.
Great Combo you have there, yeah the T7 would have done most of that ride, but no exploring the new stuff. It would have handled most of the new stuff in hindsight, but I'm solo, so not willing to risk it anymore. Cheers for Comment .
Was debating between the CRF Rally and XRs closest equivalent in UK FX650. Went for the FX650 as it is only 10kg heavier than the Rally but has stronger frame, more simple to repair on side of the road running gear and bags of power and torque. It feels like a handful on some technical trails but I would imagine it is still a lot more manageable than a 200kg adv bike. Light weight is the key to having fun and exploring with confidence.
Nice , sounds like a good choice. Enjoy.
Geez couldn't agree more..I know what my lifting limit is now and my stats are similar to yours, but I'm only 70kg ! I like the Himi 450 but the weight scares me off. 👍
Yeah, it's a shame about the weight of the new 450's. Except the Honda, but the service interval and less road friendlyness lets them down.
Good content Jethro, best wishes !
PS something like a Husqvarna 701 is a bit lighter than a CRF but has much better suspension!
It’s also good on the road ! Exciting to ride ! *Which the CRF 300 is definitely not*
Yes, I considered the 701, but it is slightly heavier wet especially if you add another tank to boost the fuel range or buy the Long Range version, and it was like double the price of the Rally. Plus I've kept my T7 for now, so it's much better on the road. But to be honest with you, the riding I do, I rarely miss the T7.
I got gold valve and extra spring in the forks from Racetech ($350). My front is sorted now. Take a look at 550 Performance, tuned ecu and 3d printed, high flow airbox snorkle. With exhaust, it really opens up the engine. My tuned up Rally is the ultimate adv here in Indonesia. For European adv rides, I need dirt capable adv bike. I got the MT450. No heavy duty off road rudung planned, it's already too heavy.
Nice, still deciding on front, sounds like a good setup you have. Yeah, all the go fast bits I'm in no rush, so long as it doesnt reduce the torque down low, I'll be in eventually, got 2 years warranty here in AUS on this purchase so I might wait a bit longer. Yeah can't wait to get rid of the sewing machine sounding exhaust but I don't want to go too loud. What pipe did you get? Thanks for the comment. 👍
@jethrowingnut13 For the front, go directly with Racetech. They have multiple rate springs to match your weight, most "retail" shops only carry the haviest rate spring. I made that mistake and had to re order from Racetech. I have Black Widow from the UK. Nice quality, but it is too loud. As for the 550performance snorkel/ecu, it is a very nice setup, smooths out the factory fueling. It also allows the engine to breathe properly. I didn't notice any loss of torque. The bike actually pulls harder and longer into the rpm rage. Lots or reviews here on utube.
@@pawelwolski1316 Cheers for info. Sounds good. I don't know if you watched Big Rock Motos review of Arri Hennings 301cc Big bore kit, that is Impressive. I was timing him admittedly it wasn't from standstill but he was doing zero (adjusted guessed) to 100kph 60mph in 8 ish seconds, my stock rally takes 12 seconds, so big improvement there . He had it geared up with a 15T countershaft as well for cruising speed, I think it had a cam and obviously the barrel on top of your mods.
@jethrowingnut13 That would be the ultimate setup, I think. It would make the Rally very close to the unicorn bike. With that power, extended road work would be lot less "painful." I live in Indonesia, and my 2023 Rally is still 249cc, road tax reason, bla bla. I still have the shorter stroke crank, rod, and piston. To get the big bore installed, I would need all these extra parts, split the engine..........All my riding here is on small roads, 90-100 kmh is going fast here. Last thing, if you look around, there is an "issue" with the 300 (i also have it) clutch burning up. You can install the whole 250 clutch assembly. I got rid of the shudder springs, installed full-size/area friction plate, and HD clutch springs. The clutch pull is a bit heavier but reasonable. I feel better about the clutch now. Sorry for the "bad" news.
@@pawelwolski1316 Not bad news, I knew about it. I think the CBR300 clutch drops straight in, I'm not heavy on the clutch, we'll see how it goes. Thanks for the info.
Agree I had a ktm 950 and still have a CCM GP450 145kg wet and recently been playing with a ktm 790. And only benefit of the 790 is when riding on the black top. Even just pushing it around the garage the 790 is a pain. Just need light weight bike with 60 to 70 bhp for the highway send.
Yeah, Its amazing how 50kg difference feels like double, must be the top heavy nature of twin cylinder bikes. Agreed for highway send. yeah, I got real interested in the ccm GP450 when they were announced, the dealer network just seemed sus.
You need to look at the big bore kits with air box and intake upgrades. They also add cb300 cams typically, along with 91 octane remapping. This is good for @ 10hp at the rear wheel. This allows for 38-15 gear changes and comfortable 70+ mph hyway cruising.
Yeah, once I get a few more k's and out of Warranty I'll definitely look at this. I watch Big Rock Motos review of Ari Hennings (Revzilla) Big bore setup and his bike was 4 seconds faster than mine 0-60 mph. Huge difference.
Just buy a 701, the world’s most powerful single.
Yeah, same experience here , down from Africa Twin 1000 (45000km) to Husky 701E (14.000km) to KTM 500EXCF: allready 11.000km.
Nice, yeah, those KTM 500s are a popular super light option.
Great Video Jethro
I’m 61
Food for thought mate
Cheers for the comment, yeah, it's a tricky topic, all depends on the trails you ride. Thing is the T7 may be great for 90% of the ride then theres that 10% or unknown trail that may make it a nightmare, or even turn around and go back. Ha ha I'm sitting here typing this after Hernia surgery, so from now on, my moto is definitely "Light is Right" . 🤣
I'm on a 2008 Husqvarna te250....107kg wet, or my 98 xr400r both basic lightweight and just keep going...no cost with crashes either...good enough
Nice, I guess the XR covers any highway, never ridden one, I've got 1-2 hours to get to the dirt, depending on which direction I head, so I appreciate the comfort of the Rally. Cheers for the comment.👍
I know those tracks well. I often do a big loop starting from sussex, thru the trails, over the highway, then hawthorn and wandandian back home. I do some wild shit on the 250L haha
Nice, I'm just learning the Hawthorn, Whalebone, and Sussex side, plenty down that way hey, just keeps going from Milton as well.
I think depending on one's needs and perspective. Some might actually consider it an upgrade. Bigger is not always better.
Agree totally. Poor choice of words on my behalf in the video. That's half the problem is the small bike stigma projected by mainly the press and RUclipsrs etc. It's like you've got to have a big heavy tank to call yourself an ADV rider.🤣
@@jethrowingnut13 For sure. I got your jist. I was just adding a little extra 👍
I looked at the honda's, was going to the 300 rally, till I was told about the lightest dual sport out there full tank and 135kg, WR250R,does everything no regrets.Good Vid.
Cheers, yeah I had the WR250R before my first Tenere660, wish I'd kept it had the 12 litre tank pipe and ECU, very close to the Rally that's for sure, with better suspension out the box, shame they're no longer available in Aus New.
Low speed is definitely the achilles heel of the T7. Its a flowey double track bike. I do love my T7 though. I am constantly thinking sbout going to a smaller bike again, but when i have the smaller bike im always wanting the bigger bike lol. I think my unicorn lies somewhere in the middle. Maybe a 390 adventure r.
Yes agree, and the 390 definitely looking like a good option. Only issue is the dark cloud hanging over KTM at the moment.
The heaviest adventure/dual sport bike I would consider is the 690/701. 340-350 lbs/154-158 kg wet. N=1.
Yeah , that's as heigh as I'd go and I considered the GAS GAS ES700 (same-ish) but then I'd have to add another tank or bladder for equivalent range then the equivalent weight goes up. Add a screen etc. but certainly a very popular platform.
This probably only makes sense if you live in a place like Australia, I owned both at the same time and the CRF is a wimp, I done quite a bit off roading on the tenere and I'm happy with it. I sold the crf straight on. If you want a duel sport bike get a xr400 and put a big stator on it for electrics
I've only ridden in Australia, but yeah theres lots of technical stuff to explore if you have the bike for it.
@@jethrowingnut13 Have a T7 and well modded crf300l. The 300 is absolutely brilliant for technical exploration.
@@jeffloucks2120 Yep, I guess that was my main motivation for buying it.
12:08 and other spots. What a place to ride exactly where is this spot ?.🍻
Wandean Rd is where the overhanging Rocks are. You can get to it from Princes Highway Wandandian, or Braidwood Rd, from the Jerrawangala turnoff.
Thanks 👍
I'm getting a small dual sport. It's just too dangerous for me to be riding a 475lb bike off road. It makes me very cautious about where I go vs just enjoying where I go.
1000% correct, you get it 😃. If the trail got technical on my T7 I was happy at the accomplishment after the fact and the challenge, but on a lighter bike, it's just pure fun. Thanks for the comment.👍
I went the other way, had a CRF300 Rally and swapped it in for a Tenere 700
Yeah, it's a natural progression, depending on your riding situation. I did the same from a WR250R, then came back. Enjoy your T7 awesome bike.
I have a T7 and a KlX300 which has better suspension than the Honda but looking forward to the new 300l rally which is supposed to have upgraded suspension
Yeah, I bought mine a year early , so it seems. Heavier spring and a bit more damping on both sides and the new one should be pretty sweet. 👍
I just found your site and have been enjoying your videos. I have a 300 L on order and I am watching and researching what I am going to do on the bike when I get it. Since you have a Yamaha as well as the Honda have you heard of people installing a G6 throttle tube onto a CRF Honda 300 L to shorten up throttle rotation? thanks RJ
Yes I've heard of that, they recon it makes the bike feel more responsive. I think "Shonky Productions" channel did a mod like that.
People excited about T7s and other heavy adventure bikes likely don't plan to ride them in the dirt often.
Yeah, I guess they can be a bit of a pose machine as well.
Had mine over 3 years now... not seen anything I'd prefer yet, the new ktm 390 adventure is looking good... it might have more power, but at what cost, it seems to have a lot of tech on it.
Yeah, I've always had my sights on that platform, but its not getting any lighter, (At least the ADV variant 176kg wet) once again they're using an enduro champion to make it look light. Put Luggage on it and your back to a T7 Almost. That's why I got the Rally, it was the Lightest in class. But I'm still very curious to see how the whole KTM thing goes over the next few months, they're still not out of the woods yet.
Great videos! I'm also on a Rally and have set it up with suspension and a few other goodies to make it better with my 95kg weight plus 15kg riding gear + up to 45kg luggage on a trip up to the gulf last July.
I went up 2 teeth on the rear sprocket to help 6th gear hold on hills easier.
What's that road with those rock formations?
Wandean Rd is where the overhanging Rocks are. You can get to it from Princes Highway Wandandian, or Braidwood Rd, from the Jerrawangala turnoff.
@jethrowingnut13 thank you!
Tenere is definitely a big boy bike for riders 6ft 190lbs and up (182cm 86kg)
Yep I suits my Son more than me. 🤣
more like 190+, to ride tenere well you have to be able to put a hand between your ass and the seat while standing on both legs. There is a reason there is no 170cm pol tares.
Interesting that it can sit at 130k, that’s bloody impressive!
Yeah 125 GPS, and smooth, don't know how long I'd ride that fast for, I was just joining trails, but it gets along well for what it is. There a lot more power to be got from this engine as well, with some mods.
So how do you feel it is power compared? Is it much slower? Video makes it look pretty powerful
Yeah, theres a big power difference to the T7 , not really an issue on the trail though as stated in the video any more than 40HP off road is really a waste or just good for wheelies etc. just depends on what you want to do with the bike. The CRF feels pretty aneamic after riding the T7 for sure. But get in some gnarly off-road and the CRF rules. You do need to keep on the throttle on the CRF, which may wear some people out.
The KTM 390 adv will be a game changer
Yeah, it's looking good, however the cloud over KTM's future is a worry. I hope they are already manufactured, apparently KTM has a huge inventory of bikes they need to sell. I wouldn't think they'd be making more before clearing some of their current stock. Just my opinion, I have no idea. 😁
It’s still 388lbs not light
@@golfncars5094 Yeah, sort of in-between Rally and T7. But a lot better than Himalayan 450 and Ibex / MT 450. I'd never replace my rally with it.
@@jethrowingnut13yeah I have a tiger 800 for two up riding w the gf it’s heavy for the trails I like , got a klx w 351 big bore on it for adv riding weights 305lbs way better than a t7 or dr 650 for the woods stuff I get into
@@golfncars5094 Sounds like an awesome option, unfortunately we don't get a road registered one in Australia.
What do you reckon for a guy of 1,95cm - can I make the 300 work?
Not sure , best to get a test ride, I just bought some 1" bar risers, and I'm only 178cm. You may be a bit cramped, I'd google it as well and get the consensus. You're height is great for the upgraded suspension setup, I'm just not sure about the rider triangle, some owners have lowered footpegs as well I think.
@ cheers mate, yeah definitely have to do a test ride! I do suspect that the ergos will not work for me. But I plan on getting one for my gf, then I can always give it another go 😬
I may look into the new drz when they hit showrooms
@@maxleopoldmun Yeah, I think they will prove popular, only drawback may be the price from early reports.
@@jethrowingnut13 yes!! I just spoke to my local dealer in Denmark - 105k DKK!! That’s 24k AUD
But taxes on bikes and cars here are MENTAL anyways; my world raid cost me almost 38k AUD here, and that’s a demo bike I imported from Germany. New they are over 43k AUD
@@maxleopoldmun Man that is insane, they obviously don't want motorcycles on their roads over there.
Old fart ride crf 300L . Top video . !! Realiti versus dreams..!
Ha ha, yeah, I don't mind admitting it. Cheers for the comment.
People watch guys like Chris Birch, Adam Riemann, Pol Tarres and think they'll do the same. But thats not going to happen. Heavy bikes are useless unless one is doing highway riding and if one is just doing highway ridinf why would you need a bike?
Yep , ha ha never thought of it like that ,but you're right.
Truth is, if you're not already a competent hard enduro rider, of course, the T7 will be harder to handle than a crf300l in the tough stuff. But as an advanced rider at 28yrs and 6'3" 220lbs.. I'll be damned if I'm put on a 27hp bike that weighs 330lbs! If I'm getting an adventure bike, it has to be able to cruise 80mph on the highway. Otherwise, I'll just ride my dirtbike???
@@Bingo_Bango_69 Exactly, depends on your skill level and use case and strength and if you're solo or not, yep you sound like the candidate for a T7.
@@Bingo_Bango_69 Pretty sensible comment, I came from 40 plus years of riding dirtbikes and farmbikes and at 60 years old and under 80kg I can handle my T7 no worries on fairly hard offroad, I love it on the road and just realise it's limits offroad, for real hard enduro I still have my 450 enduro and trailer it to the trails.
DRZ400 all day
You disgust me
My son had the DR350 which had 6 speeds, why Suzuki dumped the 6th gear I'll never know. The DRZ400 was on my short list, but I like the comfort on road of the Rally. Cheers.
Hell yeah mate!.Riding my DRZ since half a year now alongside my GS1200 which I had for years. Love the agile Suzuki!
honda crf could be perfect if seat height is droped a bit and fuel tank has more capacity
Which one the 450 or 300, If you're talking about the 300, just get the Rally. I tried the 450 already moded, went well, but even with bigger tank fuel range was still low, clutch pull and maintenance intervals put me off.
Plus screen etc.
Boutta turn into a Monkey Gum real fast
Ktm 390 adv is coming
Yeah, I've always had my sights on that platform, but its not getting any lighter, (At least the ADV variant 176kg wet) once again they're using an enduro champion to make it look light. Put Luggage on it and your back to a T7 Almost. That's why I got the Rally, it was the Lightest in class. But I'm still very curious to see how the whole KTM thing goes over the next few months, they're still not out of the woods yet.
I agree I used to own a t7rally lowered by 20mm I am 5ft 8 and 75 kg but I got tiered of picking her up and do not regret buying a crf 300rally she is such a fun all rounder just miss that top end power for overtaking on fast roads but that is not why I ride bikes.🫣I like being free to go off or in road I am looking forward to the bmw 450 concept but that is another 25 kg so may be to heavy ??
Yeah, It seems like Honda is the Only one that gets the Light Weight Adventure Bike concept. Everything else is a compromise, Wouldn't mind a ride on a AGP PR7 but they are like rocking horse shit, trying to find one at least in AUS. The BMW will be interesting for sure. Everyone says we are spoilt for choice, but are we everything seems like a compromise. If you don't want to cruise all day at 80MPH or loft the wheel in higher gears, then the Rally is the least compromise. /cheers for the comment.👍
@@jethrowingnut13 Kove 450 Rally - weighs same as this Honda, does everything 10x better and almost matches the Tenere 700 for road manners.
@@EverydayBronco-dh8hs Unfortunately They are Unobtainium here in Australia. Cheers.