Absafrigginlutely true...i try not to be a doormat ....im generous generally and give gifts often .... I do love to see people light up in gratitude and excitement ❤ sometimes people will take advantage of me or try anc sometimes i would not see it coming yikes but at times i see it and i give them enough proverbial karmic rope to get them to trip themselves on their own grift .... i dont feel bad as im not responsible for their rotten intentions....i wont give into the bad as in i try not to be bitter i try to still give n love to make people ligt up in joy ...
Thank you fot the opportunity to share its very cleansing and reassuring...you really help me with your lectures and insights thank you for sharing and letting the pubic comment and show support to others and themselves...
So much phenomenal advice i listened twice like while commenting ❤ i love Jordan's voice its commanding ... I must remember to consider my lovedones emotional and mental health ...im so dtrong i am versed on much can handle alot but do get triggered at times n shift personality to meet the needs of self protection. .. i forget my thoughts flashbacks nightmares reflections personal theories concepts belifs my everything can be triggering to others ....im very honest direct cards on the table type of gal im quite outspoken and discuss so many subjects that some find tabu ....
Ive noticed toxic people have conflicted incongruent statements beliefs feelings a myriad of bullshit manipulation and provocation ...definitely i need to depend on myself for my validation ❤self validation self comfort self entertainment lol i do enjoy private jokes with myselves ....i so find humor heealing comforting rejuvenating ❤ ....i do wish to effect positive change when im able n truly emotionally unavailable individuals are definitely not a source of valudation just manipulation and deceit .... sadly i bet they crave real genuline love but cant recognize nor reciprocate love 💔 so sad as love conquers all but one must be able to let the love in and receive it truly before it can thoroughly heal ones heart ...i want to maintain hope for all in their time to be lovable loved and loving as it is healthier energy all around the universe imagine what the vibe is like around the truly compassionate, self compassionate introspective reflective good groovy energy yikes it would be phenomenal ❤
When i stop reacting with emotions and react with logic and facts knowledge technical terms n such if i can i kuss less if at all state my case with indiffence ...i predicate it with you may not comprehend this which does put my opponent off guard i just state my emotional boundry and say balls in your court if you can let go of your toxic behavior and bullying and learn to accept me for who i am instead of attempting to shame me into changing for you into something and someone you find more palitable come back or ca when houre ready to be friendly and supportive rather than condemning and controlling with your negative shoulda woulda coulda statements and disqualifying statements and try to be compassionate treating me like you want to be yourself treated speaking to me in a kind and considerate manner as you do to others and prefer to be spoken to yikes ...i dont dhit on you so dont shit on me ... If you are tired of the verbal shitstorm quit throwing because ill trow it right back afterall Im the one who wrote the sing flingin poo 💩 if you fling it at me i will fling it at you
WoW! As a woman, this is language we are often not taught--very powerful.
You are just unbelievable, amazing, I am forever grateful 🙏 ❤❤.
Absafrigginlutely true...i try not to be a doormat ....im generous generally and give gifts often ....
I do love to see people light up in gratitude and excitement ❤ sometimes people will take advantage of me or try anc sometimes i would not see it coming yikes but at times i see it and i give them enough proverbial karmic rope to get them to trip themselves on their own grift .... i dont feel bad as im not responsible for their rotten intentions....i wont give into the bad as in i try not to be bitter i try to still give n love to make people ligt up in joy ...
Almost there 🕯️🕊️🕊️thanks Jordan and thank you Jesus for forgiveness and turning my Sin's into virtue's in his timing 🕯️🕊️🕊️💜🪞 inside reflection
Thank you fot the opportunity to share its very cleansing and reassuring...you really help me with your lectures and insights thank you for sharing and letting the pubic comment and show support to others and themselves...
Oh dear LORD 🥲🙏✝️
So much phenomenal advice i listened twice like while commenting ❤ i love Jordan's voice its commanding ...
I must remember to consider my lovedones emotional and mental health ...im so dtrong i am versed on much can handle alot but do get triggered at times n shift personality to meet the needs of self protection. .. i forget my thoughts flashbacks nightmares reflections personal theories concepts belifs my everything can be triggering to others ....im very honest direct cards on the table type of gal im quite outspoken and discuss so many subjects that some find tabu ....
Ive noticed toxic people have conflicted incongruent statements beliefs feelings a myriad of bullshit manipulation and provocation ...definitely i need to depend on myself for my validation ❤self validation self comfort self entertainment lol i do enjoy private jokes with myselves ....i so find humor heealing comforting rejuvenating ❤ ....i do wish to effect positive change when im able n truly emotionally unavailable individuals are definitely not a source of valudation just manipulation and deceit .... sadly i bet they crave real genuline love but cant recognize nor reciprocate love 💔 so sad as love conquers all but one must be able to let the love in and receive it truly before it can thoroughly heal ones heart ...i want to maintain hope for all in their time to be lovable loved and loving as it is healthier energy all around the universe imagine what the vibe is like around the truly compassionate, self compassionate introspective reflective good groovy energy yikes it would be phenomenal ❤
I took a step back and saw this is not a friendship this woman is not my girlfriend.
When i stop reacting with emotions and react with logic and facts knowledge technical terms n such if i can i kuss less if at all state my case with indiffence ...i predicate it with you may not comprehend this which does put my opponent off guard i just state my emotional boundry and say balls in your court if you can let go of your toxic behavior and bullying and learn to accept me for who i am instead of attempting to shame me into changing for you into something and someone you find more palitable come back or ca when houre ready to be friendly and supportive rather than condemning and controlling with your negative shoulda woulda coulda statements and disqualifying statements and try to be compassionate treating me like you want to be yourself treated speaking to me in a kind and considerate manner as you do to others and prefer to be spoken to yikes ...i dont dhit on you so dont shit on me ...
If you are tired of the verbal shitstorm quit throwing because ill trow it right back afterall Im the one who wrote the sing flingin poo 💩 if you fling it at me i will fling it at you