Après 10 années de vie commune, mon compagnon de route âgé de 13 ans est parti des suites d'une tumeur osseuse à la mâchoire.
Je me souviens quand j'ai recueillis ce petit chat dans un refuge, il s'est spontanément approcher de moi pour réclamer des caresses, et j'ai tout de suite compris que c'est lui que je voulait.
Puis les années ont passé, et malheureusement toute les bonnes choses ont une fin...
C'est hier, le 24 mars qu'après l'avoir vu cracher du sang à cause de cette tumeur diagnostiquer le 22 février de cette année, que j'ai du prendre la décision de l'emmener voir le vétérinaire qui a très rapidement poser son diagnostique.
Le vétérinaire m'a proposer de le faire partir sans douleur et m'a demander si je voulais rester afin de l'accompagner jusqu'au bout, bien sur que oui! Je ne voulais pas le laisser tout seul dans un moment pareil!!
Mon chat a toujours été très câlins et il l'est rester jusqu'au bout! Il a ronronner auprès de la vétérinaire et de son assistante pendant plusieurs minutes. Ensuite la vétérinaire lui a administrer un sédatif afin de l'apaiser.
Les minutes ont passer et mon chat s'est apaiser dans mes mains en ronronnant.
La vétérinaire m'a demander si c'est j'était prêt à le voir partir... j'ai attendu quelque minute en le caressant avant de lui répondre alors que mon chat ronronnais toujours...
Après ma réponse, elle a tout doucement administrer le produit afin de le faire partir sans douleur. Mon chat qui était alors endormis dans mes bras à continuer à ronronner jusqu'à ce que la vétérinaire me dise en contrôlant son cœur "c'est finit". Au même moment mon chat à arrêter de ronronner... il était parti... et j'ai pleurer...
After 10 years of living together, my 13-year-old traveling companion left with a bone tumor in his jaw.
I remember when I picked up this little cat in a shelter, he spontaneously approached me to ask for a caress, and I immediately understood that he was the one I wanted.
Then the years passed, and unfortunately all good things come to an end ...
It was yesterday, March 24, that after seeing him coughing up blood due to a tumor diagnosed in February 22 of this year, in his jaw, I decided to take him to see the vet. who very quickly made his diagnosis.
The vet offered to make him leave painlessly and asked me if I wanted to stay in order to accompany him until the end, of course I did! I didn't want to leave him alone at such a time !!
My cat has always been very cuddly and he stays that way! He purred to the vet and his assistant for several minutes. Then the veterinarian administered a sedative to him to soothe him.
The minutes passed and my cat calmed down in my hands, purring.
The vet asked me if it was I was ready to see him go ... I waited a few minutes stroking him before answering him while my cat was still purring ...
After my answer, she slowly administered the product to make it go away painlessly. My cat who has then asleep in my arms continued to purr until the vet told me while checking her heart "it's over". At the same time my cat stopped purring ... he was gone ... and I cry ...
Je me souviens quand j'ai recueillis ce petit chat dans un refuge, il s'est spontanément approcher de moi pour réclamer des caresses, et j'ai tout de suite compris que c'est lui que je voulait.
Puis les années ont passé, et malheureusement toute les bonnes choses ont une fin...
C'est hier, le 24 mars qu'après l'avoir vu cracher du sang à cause de cette tumeur diagnostiquer le 22 février de cette année, que j'ai du prendre la décision de l'emmener voir le vétérinaire qui a très rapidement poser son diagnostique.
Le vétérinaire m'a proposer de le faire partir sans douleur et m'a demander si je voulais rester afin de l'accompagner jusqu'au bout, bien sur que oui! Je ne voulais pas le laisser tout seul dans un moment pareil!!
Mon chat a toujours été très câlins et il l'est rester jusqu'au bout! Il a ronronner auprès de la vétérinaire et de son assistante pendant plusieurs minutes. Ensuite la vétérinaire lui a administrer un sédatif afin de l'apaiser.
Les minutes ont passer et mon chat s'est apaiser dans mes mains en ronronnant.
La vétérinaire m'a demander si c'est j'était prêt à le voir partir... j'ai attendu quelque minute en le caressant avant de lui répondre alors que mon chat ronronnais toujours...
Après ma réponse, elle a tout doucement administrer le produit afin de le faire partir sans douleur. Mon chat qui était alors endormis dans mes bras à continuer à ronronner jusqu'à ce que la vétérinaire me dise en contrôlant son cœur "c'est finit". Au même moment mon chat à arrêter de ronronner... il était parti... et j'ai pleurer...
After 10 years of living together, my 13-year-old traveling companion left with a bone tumor in his jaw.
I remember when I picked up this little cat in a shelter, he spontaneously approached me to ask for a caress, and I immediately understood that he was the one I wanted.
Then the years passed, and unfortunately all good things come to an end ...
It was yesterday, March 24, that after seeing him coughing up blood due to a tumor diagnosed in February 22 of this year, in his jaw, I decided to take him to see the vet. who very quickly made his diagnosis.
The vet offered to make him leave painlessly and asked me if I wanted to stay in order to accompany him until the end, of course I did! I didn't want to leave him alone at such a time !!
My cat has always been very cuddly and he stays that way! He purred to the vet and his assistant for several minutes. Then the veterinarian administered a sedative to him to soothe him.
The minutes passed and my cat calmed down in my hands, purring.
The vet asked me if it was I was ready to see him go ... I waited a few minutes stroking him before answering him while my cat was still purring ...
After my answer, she slowly administered the product to make it go away painlessly. My cat who has then asleep in my arms continued to purr until the vet told me while checking her heart "it's over". At the same time my cat stopped purring ... he was gone ... and I cry ...
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My heart goes out to you, I was with my cat when she passed after a rich long life of silliness and fun as all good cats do. It was an unquantifiable loss to me as we'd stuck a lot of her adult years alone together battling the odds of flat ownership. but there are wonderful memories that will light my darkest hours for years and years.
I wish you the best during your time of mourning, and hope the memory of this wonderful feline companion endures, and brings you solace when you need it.
I like think our companions remain with us in our hearts, even when separated. n'.=.'n
I wish you the best during your time of mourning, and hope the memory of this wonderful feline companion endures, and brings you solace when you need it.
I like think our companions remain with us in our hearts, even when separated. n'.=.'n
I am sad to hear this about your pet :( and you have my full support.
In my family we always have animals, but when it comes to your own animal, that you feed, that you play with ... it's terrible to make the decision to make him leave ... even if it is 's for good reason.
The most painful for me, is knowing my cat in good health overall, but this tumor which deformed his jaw, prevented him from eating ... I nevertheless went to see a specialize surgeon , but he explain to me that there were no more bones on the left side of his jaw ... and that a corrective surgery could make the cat suffer even more.
It has now been two days since my cat left, but I still feel like I can hear it in the house and my dog continues to look for him ... It is really painful.
In my family we always have animals, but when it comes to your own animal, that you feed, that you play with ... it's terrible to make the decision to make him leave ... even if it is 's for good reason.
The most painful for me, is knowing my cat in good health overall, but this tumor which deformed his jaw, prevented him from eating ... I nevertheless went to see a specialize surgeon , but he explain to me that there were no more bones on the left side of his jaw ... and that a corrective surgery could make the cat suffer even more.
It has now been two days since my cat left, but I still feel like I can hear it in the house and my dog continues to look for him ... It is really painful.
I can't even tell you how sorry am. Losing a furbaby is one of the hardest things to ever have to experience. I'm so sorry the loss of this sweet little baby. The fact she was loved til her very last breath is something that should not be taken lightly. She knew she was loved, and I'm sure that made it a little easier for her.
Je vous remercie pour vos mots.
Le vide est clairement difficile... Ce soir j'ai nettoyez la gamelle du chat qu'il utilisai encore hier matin... c'est une gestuelle du quotidien qui me rappel les moments passer en sa compagnie, et c'est douloureux.
Prenez soin de votre chat, et apportez-lui tout l'amour qu'il mérite.
Le vide est clairement difficile... Ce soir j'ai nettoyez la gamelle du chat qu'il utilisai encore hier matin... c'est une gestuelle du quotidien qui me rappel les moments passer en sa compagnie, et c'est douloureux.
Prenez soin de votre chat, et apportez-lui tout l'amour qu'il mérite.
I can not forget all the good times spent in his company. But it is painful to remember this when he is no longer there.
Waking up in the morning, thinking about him at the foot of my bed ... but no ... he's not there anymore ... making noise with a paper and seeing him come thinking it's food ... . yelling at him so that he doesn't get in your legs ... but no one comes now ...
These are the moments of everyday life that I will have to get used to ... it will take time.
Just writing this brings tears to my eyes.
Waking up in the morning, thinking about him at the foot of my bed ... but no ... he's not there anymore ... making noise with a paper and seeing him come thinking it's food ... . yelling at him so that he doesn't get in your legs ... but no one comes now ...
These are the moments of everyday life that I will have to get used to ... it will take time.
Just writing this brings tears to my eyes.
Yes it is always a burden... everytime when we pick up a new companion we inevitably agree to the terms of having years of pure love and friendship ended by a heartbreak.
I grewup with cats and i never spend a long time without having my pawed friends around me.
what helped me the most was to get a new companion to sort of „transfer“ the love we had for the one that passed.
see it the asian faith kind of way: every pet that we had which passed will put in a good word for us in the afterlife.
I sincerely hope you will find a new little friend which stays for many many years.
I grewup with cats and i never spend a long time without having my pawed friends around me.
what helped me the most was to get a new companion to sort of „transfer“ the love we had for the one that passed.
see it the asian faith kind of way: every pet that we had which passed will put in a good word for us in the afterlife.
I sincerely hope you will find a new little friend which stays for many many years.
oh man that is damn sad , my deep condolences I have lost my cat too, lt is never easy people say they are just animals but no they are like family, mine died of old age had her with me 16 years, hope you find peace knowing your cat is not suffering anymore and that you give all the love your could give, be strong I know is hard, but I think your friend would not want you to be sad
I know people who have told me the same thing "It's just a cat". Would a cat therefore only have the right to have the status of a replaceable object?
I sincerely think that the people who say this they never have pets, or worse yet, they really only see them as objects.
Thank you for your support, and I have a thought for your cat.
I sincerely think that the people who say this they never have pets, or worse yet, they really only see them as objects.
Thank you for your support, and I have a thought for your cat.
I am very sorry for your loss. I know it can be hard having lost several furry friends myself. Some of which I grew up alongside with during my childhood. I hope you can find comfort that your cat's suffering is over, and one day will reminiscence on the years you spent together as opposed to just the final moments. From what I can gather from all this, it seems your friend was well loved, and you did your best to give him wonderful, caring home.
C'est toujours avec une grande douleurs que l'on doit se séparer d'un compagnon avec qui on a vécue de longues années.
Je compatis à ton chagrin, d'autant plus que j'ai perdu ma minette de 17 ans il y quelques mois.
La décision n'est pas facile mais, quand l'heure est proche, c'est un choix, un bon choix, de ne pas laisser souffrir ceux que l'on aime.
C'est un beau geste d'amour que d'être resté à ses cotés jusqu'au bout, même si c'est dur <3
Sincère condoléance,
Je compatis à ton chagrin, d'autant plus que j'ai perdu ma minette de 17 ans il y quelques mois.
La décision n'est pas facile mais, quand l'heure est proche, c'est un choix, un bon choix, de ne pas laisser souffrir ceux que l'on aime.
C'est un beau geste d'amour que d'être resté à ses cotés jusqu'au bout, même si c'est dur <3
Sincère condoléance,
I think it's human to blame yourself when you make such a difficult decision ... but it would have been inhumane if I had continued to let him live with this health problem that prevented him from eating properly. .
It has now been several days since my cat left, but despite that, the simple fact of speak of all this reopens wounds that will remain in my mind for a long time.
Thanks for your words.
It has now been several days since my cat left, but despite that, the simple fact of speak of all this reopens wounds that will remain in my mind for a long time.
Thanks for your words.