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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- (light novel)
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Aug 21, 2016 1:54 PM

Jan 2016
Fantastic episode, And for the love of Satan Wilheim is alive \(^o^)/ o happy day! So im guessing the other White whales was just an illusion? still amazing how they manage to kill it with that crazy idea! Love Wilheims moments , and with the flashbacks, And that kiss tho,(Better then the Subaru/Rem moment, Touching noses.. sigh serious buzzkill! but still made awwwww but also WHAT! )

4 more episodes, and Subaru got backup against the next enemy , and with subarus best pall! xD
cause MAL is doing there job for once.
Aug 21, 2016 1:55 PM

Aug 2015
This kiss was on point lol , one of my favorite kisses in anime

lol and anyway am I the only one who thinks even with all these soldiers Subaru has the witch cult will still win idk it feels like it (I hope it is not like that but still)
Aug 21, 2016 1:55 PM

Jul 2016
Wonderland-aries said:
NitroKageAki said:

Aug 21, 2016 1:57 PM

Jun 2015
NitroKageAki said:
Wonderland-aries said:

Aug 21, 2016 1:59 PM

Apr 2014
Rem not holding back her love for Subaru.
Well, I thought there are two new whales, but turn out it's just its clones.
Wonder why Subaru making such a face when seeing that purple hair guy (guess I didn't catch on something along the way).
Aug 21, 2016 2:01 PM

Jun 2016
my favorite episode so far. but now i feel like something horrible has to happen. too much positivity
Aug 21, 2016 2:05 PM

Feb 2015

"A package of salt, coming right up!!!

i'm not kinda impressed with the fight scene somehow but i must admit subaru's plan was insane. cutting the tree to stop the whale from moving, that was awsome xD
and again....mysterious lady appeared right after subaru tried to said those taboo words, but this times, it was a little bit different. a hand grabbed subaru's heart finally for a long time. i wonder what it means....and obvious, who the hell was that lady...i'm assuming she was satella.

and that ending, i don't even know why subaru didn't cry or feel relieve...but if i were him, i would cried so hard...i mean, he finally, from many loops of despair, many people help him. like, finally. cause, white whale isn't the main reason/objective. "that" shit is the main objective. beteljuice is the main objective. emilia is the main objective. witch cult is the main objective. with that many people, even he got bunch of strong people on his sides....i don't think witch cult could stood a chance to win.

and MOREOVER, subaru's most hated guy appeared in the end to help him. kinda ironic xD and after that, i'm so worried AF if subaru would snapped again...i hope he won't snap and instead it will be a development between subaru and him (forget the name)

finally we are back to the witch cult!!!
i can't wait for it!!!
Aug 21, 2016 2:05 PM

Jul 2016
Wonderland-aries said:
NitroKageAki said:

Aug 21, 2016 2:05 PM

Sep 2015
Did they change a bit of the scene/dialogue between Subaru and Rem at the end? It is way better in the WN/LN, thou i have read it very long time ago and not very sure.
Aug 21, 2016 2:08 PM
Jun 2013
and this episode we complete our knowledge on how to beat a white wale in it's natural habitat.

shoutout to redditor Xlauncher

White Whale (Mythic)

By Natsuki Subaru

The White Whale is an undefeated world boss that can spawn at Flugel's Tree around 1 AM. Battling it is a large undertaking that requires no less than a full and balanced raid of skilled players. Once you've assembled your desired party, meet up at Flugel's Tree and use the metia, <Nokia 6133> to summon the boss.

Phase 1 - 100% - 80%

The battle begins with the pull, which is tricky in of itself. In order to give yourself the best odds of victory, the boss should be kited. Due to the fact that the White Whale will attack from far out of melee range, your kiter should have some means of generating aggro from range. A Shadow specced Hikkomori with a maxed out Witch's Whispers is ideal. Given that Witch's Whispers can only be used a finite amount of times before the caster succumbs to the stacking debuff, it's recommended to either have a second Hikkomori to trade off taunts with, or to pair one Hikkomori with a Best Girl with Al Huma talented for range. As the White Whale can one shot any character, the kiter's level is unimportant.

The kiter should engage on a mount, in advance of the raid. Once aggro is secure, the raid's ranged attackers should open fire and use all trinkets and cooldowns immediately. Melee should operate turrets to the best of their abilities.

Phase 1 is relatively easy and its smooth commission should be an afterthought.

Phase 2 - 80% - 70%

During this phase, the White Whale will not hold a main target, but will still respond to taunt mechanics, however, your melee will be able to mount the boss for direct attacks, so moving the boss carelessly should be avoided. The melee should engage the boss' weak spots and use cooldowns liberally. Ranged should continue as they did in Phase 1.

Phase 3 - 70% - 50%

The White Whale will descend and blanket the field in a white fog. Players who stand in the fog will accrue stacks of Madness. Once Madness reaches five stacks, it will root them in place and cause them to suffer 31050-39890 damage per 2 seconds until the player dies or is cleansed. Healers should prioritize cleansing Madness.

In addition to Madness, an untargetable add, Magic Fog, will move throughout the mist. Players struck by this will be immediately killed and incapable of being battle rezzed. It is of paramount importance to avoid being struck by this, even it it means accruing stacks of Madness.

The kiter should resume their role for this phase and lure the White Whale away from the raid while the healers deal with the initial wave of Madness. And players who avoided accruing stacks should give chase and attack the White Whale as it pursues the kiter.

Phase 4 - 50% - ??

The White Whale will summon clones of itself, each with its own aggro table. At this point, you're really just kinda fucked.

White Whale (Mythic) (cont'd)

By Natsuki Subaru

Special Note: At this time, rumours that Magic Fog is bugged, and in fact deletes your character data from the server have been confirmed by [GM] Daphne. Engage the White Whale in this state at your own peril.

Phase 4 - 50% - 10%

The White Whale will create two copies of itself while its real self will remain out of reach above the field. The two clones are weaker than the original and thus, can be tanked. The clones should be distracted and tanked apart to make it easier for the raid to avoid Magic Fog. Any players who are swallowed by a clone can be recovered if ~200k damage is dealt to that clone within twenty seconds, so the raid should be prepared to switch targets in order to preserve party members.

Once the real White Whale is defeated, its clones will disperse, ending the battle, so the primary concern is pulling the White Whale from its perch in the sky in order to finish it off. In order to accomplish this, you will need to launch a player with a powerful taunt into the White Whale's range. It's likely that this is intended to be accomplished with one of the catapults, however, the Hikkomori and Best Girl combo from before can accomplish this through the use of their native abilities. Additionally, if the Best Girl has points invested into Heaven's Pillows, the Hikkomori's fall damage can be negated.

Phase 5 - 10% - 0%

Mostly a victory lap phase, however, it is imperative that your players fending off the clones remain on point until the battle's conclusion.

Once the White Whale returns to the ground, Flugel's Tree becomes a destructible feature. Interact with it to pin the White Whale. The White Whale will not be able to act while pin, so all raid members not on clone duty should unload with abandon.

Loot (Incomplete)

Theresia's Lei
+318 Primary
+145 Secondary
"Do you like flowers?"

Moby's Left Eye
+250 Primary
+98 Secondary
+200 Tenacity

Vapor Rub
+300 Primary
Use: Discards all threat from engaged enemies. (3 min cooldown)
Aug 21, 2016 2:09 PM

Jun 2015
NitroKageAki said:
Wonderland-aries said:

Aug 21, 2016 2:12 PM

May 2015
As expected, this episode was amazing. Great action, and Wilhelm's flashbacks were superb. He finally avenged his wife. Thank god he and Ricardo made it out alive in the end. I thought they were gone for a second.

Really, though. Subaru should just go with Rem already....

Can't wait for the crazy ass Witch Cult to appear again.
ReverberateAug 21, 2016 2:16 PM

Aug 21, 2016 2:18 PM

Nov 2012
DEVlL said:
Ugh. Rem gets worse and worse by the minute. I hate her character the most out of all the characters in this anime. She's kinda ugly, annoying and cringey.

Don't make me come find you..... talking reckless
Aug 21, 2016 2:22 PM
Jul 2016
Did Subaru put Glue on his shoes xD , because standing on the Horn at like 5 km or more I do no xD doesn't make sense
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 21, 2016 2:23 PM

Oct 2014
It was so goood, so goooooood
And then the last part happened....
Aug 21, 2016 2:23 PM

Aug 2015
Subaru finally "got his shit together" but yet getting jealous at the sight of Julius??

WTF is wrong with you, man? He came to help you out of his sheer goodwill yet you do not recognize how much of a bro Julius is?
You deserve to die 10 more times for this great sin, Subaru dono....
Neglecting the best bro of the series, it's not fair Subaru kun >_<

And white fox, please don't show me false hopes of Rem x Barusu only to crush it later! My weak heart can't take it ;_;
Aug 21, 2016 2:23 PM

Jul 2015
Every episode of Re:Zero so far gave me goosebumps. This one was no different. The battle with the White Whale was breathtaking, both the visuals and the action itself. Willhelm can finally put an end to his long lasting hate towards it, and for Subaru it's a problem less to deal with.

Aug 21, 2016 2:30 PM

Feb 2015
amazing episode, defiantly my favorite so far. I did't see any drop in animation people are referring to. The Wilhiam scene was really well done, very emotional. I love this series for all it's ups and downs, only 4 more eps left.
Aug 21, 2016 2:30 PM

Aug 2013
I just can't like Rem glad she hopefully won't be appearing in many more episodes.

And Subaru it's still jealous of Julius I guess.
Aug 21, 2016 2:35 PM

Mar 2011
Another excellent episode!
Aug 21, 2016 2:38 PM

Jul 2013
Nice conclusion to the battle against the white whale. At the end, the other two whales were just clones. I knew Wilhelm wouldn't be dead thanks to the preview of the episode, but the way he escapes from the whale inside wasn't the one I was expecting.
And speaking about Wilhelm, the scene when he kills the whale and remember Thearesia was very emotive. He has turned into one of my favourite supporting characters of the series after those last episodes.
However, even with all the shit it pulled, I still felt bad for the whale. The creature really suffered a lot before finally kicking the bucket.

Crusch is best girl, man, BEST GIRL. She needs to win to election so badly. Not only she ended encouraging the troops to make them continue attacking the clones of the whale (thus helping to turn the situation the their advantage) and also fighting like a boss to the clones, but she ending respecting Subaru at the end too! And giving he the credit for killing the whale! Even when they started as enemies/rivals! Oh, Subaru, you pick the wrong candidate to the elections! ;_;
You guys can praise Rem all you want, best girl have been decided already.

The ending, however, killed me. Hope Subaru doesn't behave again like a moronic monkey with Julius and ends screwing things again. Restraint yourself this time, please.

Z-Dante said:
Subaru finally "got his shit together" but yet getting jealous at the sight of Julius??

WTF is wrong with you, man? He came to help you out of his sheer goodwill yet you do not recognize how much of a bro Julius is?
You deserve to die 10 more times for this great sin, Subaru dono....
Neglecting the best bro of the series, it's not fair Subaru kun >_<
I think the same, lol (even though Ricardo is also pretty bro-tier if you ask me).

Also, respecting Rem, well, I'm glad she is out of the story for the moment. We had enough of her for this arc. Time to see other characters shine.
On another note:

Dafuck, Rem?

Btw, if the whale has been killed, that means the next target is... Betelgeuse...
Why always the best girls, WHY!? T_T
IllyricusSep 22, 2016 2:59 PM
Aug 21, 2016 2:40 PM

Jan 2009
I don't know how I'm supposed to rate this episode. Fairly early on I made the decision to watch this episode like a Pierce Brosnan Bond movie, which was a good one. Otherwise it would have boggled my mind

- that the same Subaru who was so broken that he wanted to flee 1 day earlier now turns into Narwhale-horn-rider in the air to be pulled to safety _downwards_ (Isaac Newton spins in his grave with 2372 RPM)
- to endure Wilhelm's dramatic reappearance (never seen a more predictable surprise)
- marvel at Subaru's "wager" (repeating the aggro increase yet again halved its impact)
- watch Wilhelm kill the whale by conveniently cutting a mega-sized tree which was conveniently around and conveniently fell on it just at the right moment
- see Subaru's victory laps with Crusch while the Cultists have been running riot _right after_ the Whale chase in the last iteration (shouldn't Subaru be frantic to rescue Emilia instead?)
- see Rem spew nonsense like "After this, you'll still keep me by your side" (Why the hell shouldn't he? This primitive wish fulfilment insert really ruined the otherwise beautiful scene for me)
- watch how conveniently the "merchant information network" figured out the Cultist plans and conveniently preempted things

Essentially, the author doesn't even bother to uphold the pretense of developing a logical mystery storyline anymore (which I believed he did in the earlier episodes), this was a firework of BS just at the convenient time to please the viewer. So as a viewer, if you turn off the brain, this was a reasonably entertaining episode. At the same time, I find it harder and harder to take this show seriously. Which makes me sad, honestly. I thought it had more solid foundations than THAT, and in the first two arcs, it sure did. THIS current mishmash is Bond-movie stupid.
Aug 21, 2016 2:53 PM

Apr 2015
Mentar said:
I don't know how I'm supposed to rate this episode. Fairly early on I made the decision to watch this episode like a Pierce Brosnan Bond movie, which was a good one. Otherwise it would have boggled my mind

- that the same Subaru who was so broken that he wanted to flee 1 day earlier now turns into Narwhale-horn-rider in the air to be pulled to safety _downwards_ (Isaac Newton spins in his grave with 2372 RPM)
- to endure Wilhelm's dramatic reappearance (never seen a more predictable surprise)
- marvel at Subaru's "wager" (repeating the aggro increase yet again halved its impact)
- watch Wilhelm kill the whale by conveniently cutting a mega-sized tree which was conveniently around and conveniently fell on it just at the right moment
- see Subaru's victory laps with Crusch while the Cultists have been running riot _right after_ the Whale chase in the last iteration (shouldn't Subaru be frantic to rescue Emilia instead?)
- see Rem spew nonsense like "After this, you'll still keep me by your side" (Why the hell shouldn't he? This primitive wish fulfilment insert really ruined the otherwise beautiful scene for me)
- watch how conveniently the "merchant information network" figured out the Cultist plans and conveniently preempted things

Essentially, the author doesn't even bother to uphold the pretense of developing a logical mystery storyline anymore (which I believed he did in the earlier episodes), this was a firework of BS just at the convenient time to please the viewer. So as a viewer, if you turn off the brain, this was a reasonably entertaining episode. At the same time, I find it harder and harder to take this show seriously. Which makes me sad, honestly. I thought it had more solid foundations than THAT, and in the first two arcs, it sure did. THIS current mishmash is Bond-movie stupid.

You're one of my favorite people on these discussions because you can actually state your problems with the series without talking in a condescending matter or using buzzwords galore.
Aug 21, 2016 3:00 PM

Oct 2015
Great Subaru immediately shows his ugly side when competition rears its head. I'm hoping he will keep the bickering to minimum.
Aug 21, 2016 3:02 PM
Aug 2016

I WAS SO HOPING THEY WOULD KISSSS ahhh but nvm that was still a beautiful moment that made me cry ;^;
Aug 21, 2016 3:07 PM

Apr 2013

More meaningful than any kiss scene.

Aug 21, 2016 3:19 PM
Sep 2015
Why that knight appeared now ;_; It finally started getting smoothly but hatred on Subaru's face in the end destroyed my enjoyment. They will continue pointless jealousy that started all stupid events in last few episodes.
You stupid mc you have no reason to hate this guy. He was fine, no good no bad just fine but on him they created the worst part of entire anime. I really wanted to forget.
Aug 21, 2016 3:19 PM

Jan 2013
Mentar said:
THIS current mishmash is Bond-movie stupid.

If the author tried to be more realistic we would have lots and lots of revives .

Some of his tries would last 70 years till he dies of natural death cuz he didnt pick the right route.For example in ep one when Subaru met Emillia on the first try.
Or when Rem rejected Subarus proposal.Imagine a whole season (or 1 rushed ep lol) of SubaruxRem only for it to end with subaru dying of old age just to return to appa checkpoint.

Or if subaru had to revive every time the tree missed etc etc.

Without Bollywood the Author would never finish Re;Zero.
Aug 21, 2016 3:28 PM
Sep 2014
I just hope Subaru's winning streak doesn't come to an end...
Aug 21, 2016 3:30 PM
May 2015
Another phenomenal episode, I'm really hoping the ending doesn't disappoint because it's just be cruel if it did
Aug 21, 2016 3:32 PM

Aug 2014
Damn it's great to see the smart Subaru in work, at last he is back...then Julius appears and he goes jelly mode lol. Glad to see Wilhelm also survived, the flashbacks of his were just so damn sad ;~;
Aug 21, 2016 3:33 PM
Jun 2016
One of my favorite rezero episodes yet, that was epic and that rem boobie catch xD
Aug 21, 2016 3:33 PM

Aug 2015
a Sweet episode <3
Aug 21, 2016 3:34 PM

Jun 2008
Mike4992 said:
Koyomo said:
I like how Subaru is becoming a better man.

He still sucks though. Seriously, this guy rejected Rem for fucking Emilia. He might have even died again in the episode because he said that the whale was a reason that Rem died hundreds of times.
But yes, I can agree with you at some degree that he has in fact become a better man.

Lol did you know that rem is portrayed as very devoted to subaru? the same as subaru that is very devoted to emilia, yet rem get high praises, while subaru got cursed by all rem fans, double standard much?
Aug 21, 2016 3:35 PM

Jul 2011
I'm getting really pissed when seeing anime hipsters writing unnecessary comments about how they think certain shows are bad. Why would you watch it if you think it's bad? You're certainly not a professional critic, so... why? I would never dream of going to the trouble of pissing on something just to tick off the people who enjoy it. Is it in their nature to assert their idiocy to make others feel anger? I just don't understand it. Don't go out of your way trying to convince people to hate something just because you feel that your exquisite taste in complex, superb <insert ambiguous word that asserts your intellect here> anime is above others opinions, shouldn't mean you have any right to drown it in pessimistic drabble. Get off you high horse, take off your fedora, tuck in your ego and get the fuck out of here instead of infecting everything you touch by your toxic negativity. I know this is the internet and people can behave however they want without repercussion, so how about this: Grow a smile for a change, read/watch/play etc. whatever you enjoy and be happy about the things that makes you happy instead of draining others of joy, turning them into cynics. I'm trying to not be one myself but in all honesty, that ship has already sailed. I wish I could just ignore everything but clearly, I lack the ability to do so.
Aug 21, 2016 3:35 PM

Apr 2012
I wonder if Subaru will ever change his outfit
Aug 21, 2016 3:39 PM

Jan 2016
Popular= Bad by Myanimelist forums
Aug 21, 2016 3:40 PM

Jan 2016
also remember Polygamy is a route Subaru can take ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Aug 21, 2016 3:41 PM

Jan 2016
I love how Subaru realized Crusch had a little best girl in her
Aug 21, 2016 3:43 PM
Feb 2016
shiraha said:
Mike4992 said:

He still sucks though. Seriously, this guy rejected Rem for fucking Emilia. He might have even died again in the episode because he said that the whale was a reason that Rem died hundreds of times.
But yes, I can agree with you at some degree that he has in fact become a better man.

Lol did you know that rem is portrayed as very devoted to subaru? the same as subaru that is very devoted to emilia, yet rem get high praises, while subaru got cursed by all rem fans, double standard much?

It's more of based on how it was portrayed, Rem just happens to show it at the right times while in Subaru's case leads him to do naive decisions hence why his "obsession" is more annoying. Personally I never took his rejection against him, although I was a bit annoyed.
Alwh0Aug 21, 2016 5:14 PM
Aug 21, 2016 3:43 PM

Jan 2016
Fayt89 said:
I just can't like Rem glad she hopefully won't be appearing in many more episodes.

And Subaru it's still jealous of Julius I guess.

its not even jealously. Julius put him his place (to help him)
Aug 21, 2016 3:44 PM

Jul 2016
Crusch bascially has the moonlight greatsword, which makes her best girl by default.

Honestly I can't imagine a human sized opponent standing a chance vs her longrange slashes.
Aug 21, 2016 3:45 PM
Jul 2016
Mentar said:
I don't know how I'm supposed to rate this episode. Fairly early on I made the decision to watch this episode like a Pierce Brosnan Bond movie, which was a good one. Otherwise it would have boggled my mind

- that the same Subaru who was so broken that he wanted to flee 1 day earlier now turns into Narwhale-horn-rider in the air to be pulled to safety _downwards_ (Isaac Newton spins in his grave with 2372 RPM)
- to endure Wilhelm's dramatic reappearance (never seen a more predictable surprise)
- marvel at Subaru's "wager" (repeating the aggro increase yet again halved its impact)
- watch Wilhelm kill the whale by conveniently cutting a mega-sized tree which was conveniently around and conveniently fell on it just at the right moment
- see Subaru's victory laps with Crusch while the Cultists have been running riot _right after_ the Whale chase in the last iteration (shouldn't Subaru be frantic to rescue Emilia instead?)
- see Rem spew nonsense like "After this, you'll still keep me by your side" (Why the hell shouldn't he? This primitive wish fulfilment insert really ruined the otherwise beautiful scene for me)
- watch how conveniently the "merchant information network" figured out the Cultist plans and conveniently preempted things

Essentially, the author doesn't even bother to uphold the pretense of developing a logical mystery storyline anymore (which I believed he did in the earlier episodes), this was a firework of BS just at the convenient time to please the viewer. So as a viewer, if you turn off the brain, this was a reasonably entertaining episode. At the same time, I find it harder and harder to take this show seriously. Which makes me sad, honestly. I thought it had more solid foundations than THAT, and in the first two arcs, it sure did. THIS current mishmash is Bond-movie stupid.

Eh, I understand where you're coming from, but I simply disagree with all your points. Not gonna go into an argument again, but it is nice to see more varied opinions on the ep.
Aug 21, 2016 3:46 PM

Jul 2012
I was the entire episode on the edge of my seat like "Oh no, something is going to go wrong!". So they finally killed the whale (and man, that monster suffered, it was actually pretty disturbing for me to watch D:).
Wilhelm going out of the whale like a boss and his memories of his wife, really cool old man.
Crush is best girl (for me, Subaru could end up alone for all I care) and best candidate, so far (sorry guys, but Rem can be REALLY cringe sometimes)
REALLY SUBARU? HE IS TRIGGERED BECAUSE OF JULIUS D: Man, I hope he is going to act like a grow up boy this time, c'mon! Guy is there to help you, he is strong so use him the best you can.
So, next episode we are going to see them fight against the Witch's cult, oh man D: D: D: D:

- watch Wilhelm kill the whale by conveniently cutting a mega-sized tree which was conveniently around and conveniently fell on it just at the right moment

Well, to be fair, from what I got from that scene, that was Subaru's plan the entire time, the tree falling on the whale. It was not the old guy who cut it, it was, probably, exploded by that magicians from Crush army the moment the whale approach it. The tree was shown some other times on last episodes (it even has a name, or something like that, it is something important), it didn't just pop out there, it was hinted in other episodes. The place with the big tree was where the whale appeared some episodes ago. Subaru was actually clever this time, he used the scenario in his favor.
taynisAug 21, 2016 3:54 PM

Aug 21, 2016 3:46 PM
Apr 2014
"Just so you know, I'm infamous for being so annoying that no one can ignore me."- Natsuki Subaru.
Aug 21, 2016 3:46 PM
Jul 2016
Terium said:
I'm getting really pissed when seeing anime hipsters writing unnecessary comments about how they think certain shows are bad. Why would you watch it if you think it's bad? You're certainly not a professional critic, so... why? I would never dream of going to the trouble of pissing on something just to tick off the people who enjoy it. Is it in their nature to assert their idiocy to make others feel anger? I just don't understand it. Don't go out of your way trying to convince people to hate something just because you feel that your exquisite taste in complex, superb <insert ambiguous word that asserts your intellect here> anime is above others opinions, shouldn't mean you have any right to drown it in pessimistic drabble. Get off you high horse, take off your fedora, tuck in your ego and get the fuck out of here instead of infecting everything you touch by your toxic negativity. I know this is the internet and people can behave however they want without repercussion, so how about this: Grow a smile for a change, read/watch/play etc. whatever you enjoy and be happy about the things that makes you happy instead of draining others of joy, turning them into cynics. I'm trying to not be one myself but in all honesty, that ship has already sailed. I wish I could just ignore everything but clearly, I lack the ability to do so.

People are simply stating their opinions and why they think so. The people you really should be criticizing are the ones who FORCE those opinions on others and insult them (*coughs* That Anime Snob).
Aug 21, 2016 3:47 PM

Mar 2015
Rance-sama said:
This kills the emiliafags

Thanks for the new computer wallpaper, stranger <3
Aug 21, 2016 3:48 PM

Dec 2012
Nice, this episode is nice.

When trying to save Subaru from falling, ugh, that boobs :D

Hmm, yeah, I just love it, that romantic scene and kiss scene.

Subaru, just how much he hate him, that purple haired man
Aug 21, 2016 3:49 PM
Jul 2016
nanjousachi said:
"Just so you know, I'm infamous for being so annoying that no one can ignore me."- Natsuki Subaru.

I swear to God that line was directed right at the viewers.
Aug 21, 2016 3:49 PM

Jun 2015
Such a good ep! A Lot of good art stills this ep too.
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