Jan 10, 2019
Did the first month ever get completed? This one just sorta fell off the radar.
Here is the long and short: The merge was announced. initially, BC gave updates regularly on patrion, there were somewhat unknown complications but work progressed and positivity was high. Months dragged on, excuses mounted, promises were made promises were broken, then months turned to years. Every month it's a new excuse for why the merge is not done and no one has seen any actual proof of progress at any point. a month or two ago, a member of this community did their own merge in about 8 hours, it was a hack job but a proof of concept that to achieve a baseline of what we want is not that hard. Nonetheless, so a fan-made merge does exist and you can find it linked here if you look for it. this showed us there is a lot more going on here than simply merging things together or no work at all has been done.

At last report, the merge has been abandoned after a 2-year delay with no work to show for it and supposedly they will be releasing the next few days of game content independent of the merge but that magically came into issues too, I think it's translators now? It's hard to keep up with the latest excuse of the week.

A week or so ago Octosky assembled a combination of statements from BC that were contradictory and pressed Skummy ecchi (the supposed PR representative of BC's company) for some tangible proof that development happened. this set off a bit of a firestorm and a tonal shift of this place from amusement and cynicism to genuine anger. Rather than present said proof he apparently stepped away from his role and decided to no longer act as a shield and add fuel to the fire.

This week most everyone seems to truly have had enough and are now calling this a scam. at this point, most people watch this tread for the slow-burn drama. The forum has become ironically more entertaining than any update the game itself could provide.

As a personal note, it's a shame, this game for all its flaws is what got me into independent porn VNs, it was my first one. And without it, I never would have found some of the truly great titles I enjoy to this day I have been hoping for a merger and a continuation for 2 years now and at this point I am just accepting that it's not gonna happen.
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Dec 19, 2020
a month or two ago, a member of this community did their own merge in about 8 hours, it was a hack job but a proof of concept that to achieve a baseline of what we want is not that hard. Nonetheless, so a fan-made merge does exist and you can find it linked here if you look for it. this showed us there is a lot more going on here than simply merging things together or no work at all has been done.
The hilarious thing about this since I know some people PM'd me about it & mentioned it in BlueCat's discord but from what I'm aware BlueCat never commented on it (probably a smart thing) despite likely knowing it exists. It's a shame nothing came about from it, was hopeful it would give them a kick in the ass to get something done and put out since I still fail to see how it's taken so long if it is somehow legitimate issues.

I'll be equally annoyed though if it does come out, and they never expand on "why" the save system took so long and what they did. Even more annoying if it's just rethinking "how" to handle saves and instead of a specific line (e.g door 1, saki 1, saki 2, etc) for everything it becomes like what most games use, a point system for the majority.
Jan 10, 2019
The hilarious thing about this since I know some people PM'd me about it & mentioned it in BlueCat's discord but from what I'm aware BlueCat never commented on it (probably a smart thing) despite likely knowing it exists. It's a shame nothing came about from it, was hopeful it would give them a kick in the ass to get something done and put out since I still fail to see how it's taken so long if it is somehow legitimate issues.

I'll be equally annoyed though if it does come out, and they never expand on "why" the save system took so long and what they did. Even more annoying if it's just rethinking "how" to handle saves and instead of a specific line (e.g door 1, saki 1, saki 2, etc) for everything it becomes like what most games use, a point system for the majority.
At this point, if I was to speculate, AND give them the benefit of the doubt that there were actually working on it I would believe that they didn't just want to merge it but also fix long-standing issues redo old portions, and set the game up for the open-world sandbox systems they had intended, but their ambition outstretched there capability, time went on a year went by delays and life lead to team attrition and compounding workload stress lead to more attrition finding new staff can be a problem and they eventually realized what they WANT to do is not possible at this time with their skill, they could just do a more cleaned-up version of your merge and focus on new content but I think they feel that there would be outrage that it took them a year now 2 to deliver such little content, as time goes by they would feel the need to make what they show grander thus causing more problems.

IF this situation was true I would man up explain what I was trying to do admit that I failed and how I failed. give a basic merge explain that this merge only took a week or so or hell even just use yours with acknowledgment. take my lumps from the community own up to my failures transparently and then get back to work. will we be pissed and disappointed? oh yes but ill still respects and support a man who fucked up trying to be too ambitious over someone stringing me along with false hope.
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Dec 19, 2020
At this point, if I was to speculate, AND give them the benefit of the doubt that there were actually working on it I would believe that they didn't just want to merge it but also fix long-standing issues redo old portions, and set the game up for the open-world sandbox systems they had intended, but their ambition outstretched there capability, time went on a year went by delays and life lead to team attrition and compounding workload stress lead to more attrition finding new staff can be a problem and they eventually realized what they WANT to do is not possible at this time with their skill
The only problem with giving them the benefit of the doubt is that even with all that said, it shouldn't have taken them nearly this long and that's where the real problem lies. Even in the scenario they end up in over their heads it would've happened like over a year ago, and at that point you would change your plans to something simpler if you legitimately couldn't do it. Even if they got someone else to do what they couldn't.... time is still an issue and far too much has passed for to make logical sense. There is plenty of games on here you could unren for research and learning purposes to apply to your own game, work smarter not harder.

Doesn't help when BlueCat isn't really acknowledging his failures, explaining why and how we got here etc.

In hindsight BlueCat really shouldn't of stopped the one-off specials (to be merged later?) since he could've done the entire thing by himself since they're standalone games with nothing to carry over.


Active Member
Dec 16, 2019
Regardless of what the actual situation is (re: work getting done on the game or not), it doesn't really matter at this point. If someone is still supporting Bluecat at this point, nothing anyone says here is going to change their mind and make them stop. Every argument has been put forward. If someone thinks Bluecat is scamming, nothing's going to change their mind at this point (probably not even the merge coming out with everything originally promised in it). So all anyone can do is wait and see.

Honestly, I'm tired of the argument, no one's really saying anything new on either side.

I miss the game, I liked a lot of the girls in it, so I'm hanging out here to see if anything ever gets released again. I'm not holding my breath, because frankly, it seems silly to be *absolutely sure* something will come out at this point. At the same time, I'm not ready to assume it's forever abandoned either.

So I'll wait, and I'll skim the posts that will still come out on both sides of the argument, trying to find some tidbit of actual information that will tell me one way or another what'll happen sometime in the future, and get more and more tired of people standing on various soap boxes and shouting their point of view that's been rehashed over, and over, and over again.


Jun 29, 2017
A week or so ago Octosky assembled a combination of statements from BC that were contradictory and pressed Skummy ecchi (the supposed PR representative of BC's company) for some tangible proof that development happened.
Oh, someone else acknowledged my compilation. Brings a tear to my eye. Wonder if we can get one of the mods to link the compilation on the front page to show people. That would be hilarious.
Mar 15, 2021
Regardless of what the actual situation is (re: work getting done on the game or not), it doesn't really matter at this point. If someone is still supporting Bluecat at this point, nothing anyone says here is going to change their mind and make them stop. Every argument has been put forward. If someone thinks Bluecat is scamming, nothing's going to change their mind at this point (probably not even the merge coming out with everything originally promised in it). So all anyone can do is wait and see.

Honestly, I'm tired of the argument, no one's really saying anything new on either side.

I miss the game, I liked a lot of the girls in it, so I'm hanging out here to see if anything ever gets released again. I'm not holding my breath, because frankly, it seems silly to be *absolutely sure* something will come out at this point. At the same time, I'm not ready to assume it's forever abandoned either.

So I'll wait, and I'll skim the posts that will still come out on both sides of the argument, trying to find some tidbit of actual information that will tell me one way or another what'll happen sometime in the future, and get more and more tired of people standing on various soap boxes and shouting their point of view that's been rehashed over, and over, and over again.

But people started saying that over a year ago. Pretty much word for word. If Bluecat was going to work on this game and update it, it would have happened already. Nothings changed

For sure, his remaining patrons might not see that. But they're the ones who labelled him as simply incompetent instead of a lying scammer. And why would an incompetent developer be trusted to do anything right?

And even if he suddenly produces monthly updates in a row, it doesn't delete the part of history where he made tens of thousands while doing nothing for a year

But time is the biggest proof of all. And each day makes it more obvious that people are being misled and losing their money for nothing
Jul 31, 2018
I have read all the latest pages and I have to say... I am severely disappointed in all of you who just shit on Skummy Ecchi.

Now I get your frustration over the fact that BC hasn't released anything relating to Month 1, and I share your frustration. But that is no excuse whatsoever to accuse SE of being a simp. You don't get to shit on him just because there is no update.

I want there to be an update as soon as possible, and I understand there isn't any, so I waste my time on doing something else. You guys just yell and harass someone who's trying to help both sides at once, and that makes you very ungrateful shits.

If you want there to be a translation for the game so it can be released sooner, how come you don't try and do it yourselves?

On this site, we are pirates. We steal the games and we download them for free. I've never hidden this fact on this site and some of us aren't patrons. I know I'm not. So I keep my mouth shut. So what's your excuse? If you're a patron, I get that you are frustrated. If you're a pirate, then you should go play another game in the meantime and wait.

Just don't be fucking assholes for no good reason.


Jun 29, 2017
Tits and ass?
Having the last slice of pizza?
Finding that coin you dropped between the car seats last year?
The feel of clean boxers?
Finding that porn video you saw six years ago and have been searching for it ever since?
Having your wife tell you that she is gonna visit her mother and you don't have to go with her?


Mar 9, 2018
The funniest part is that even the best case scenario for this game is absolutely dire.

If BC starts putting updates out; by the sound of things they'll be at the level of week 1: larger(in terms of size, not content), buggy and with poor writting(50% due to him not being a very good writer and 50% due to whatever form of translation they settle on being less than ideal).
And that's before you take into account the fact that he(as per his own/Skummy's admission) hasn't really worked on his rendering abilities for over a year. Seeing as how the character models, posing and angles used felt dated and clunky back then... it's not gonna look pretty(figuratevly and literally).


Aug 7, 2016
The funniest part is that even the best case scenario for this game is absolutely dire.

If BC starts putting updates out; by the sound of things they'll be at the level of week 1: larger(in terms of size, not content), buggy and with poor writting(50% due to him not being a very good writer and 50% due to whatever form of translation they settle on being less than ideal).
And that's before you take into account the fact that he(as per his own/Skummy's admission) hasn't really worked on his rendering abilities for over a year. Seeing as how the character models, posing and angles used felt dated and clunky back then... it's not gonna look pretty(figuratevly and literally).
Bad writting? But Skummy said he's some kind of Shakespeare! :eek:
Oh and it's only posing in an Illusion game, there is nothing to render.

Ren'Py plus Illusion game poses.
There is nothing easier and cheaper to make, bear that in mind every time you see a game like this and they deliver very slowly or the monthly updates are only a few scenes.
  • Jizzed my pants
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Giant Perv
Game Developer
Jun 28, 2018
Just had a thought regarding the script/translation issues. There exists now bots that are quite sophisticated and can write in multiple languages. The most popular one is . Strictly speaking they don't allow anything NSFW but large enough portions of the script could be done using a technology like this (and it's pretty cheap to use at that). There's others around as well so maybe there's one that's would be better for this specific scenario but in general this one is by far the highest quality (so much so that there's a ton of news agencies, etc that use it). I guarantee that nearly everyone here will have at some point read an article/blog post/facebook post/whatever written by a bot like this without even realizing it.
  • Thinking Face
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Nov 1, 2017
Just to throw it in. I sometimes use for translations. The available languages are a bit limited, but they keep adding more.
The reason I like it: It's very good at understanding what is being said, so the translations are less literal, but closer to the meaning. They feel way more natural that way. There are errors of course, but I used it to translate entire articles from foreign languages and the results were pretty good. When I double check with German and English the results are great too.
I wonder how it would fair with text that has Japanese words sprinkled on top, but I'm positive. Again, afterwards the translations need to be touched up, but it saves so much work.
I used it mostly for French, Dutch and Russian to English or German.
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