Forensic Investigators Tell Us The TRUTH About Murderers | TRIPLE EPISODE | New Detectives

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025

Комментарии • 110

  • @musicnature714
    @musicnature714 Месяц назад +167

    The narrator's voice is a kind of therapy for the brain. 👍

  • @jasonpeisley6031
    @jasonpeisley6031 Месяц назад +95

    My father used to lay on the couch and watch this abd he would fall asleep. Now I've been doing that since after July/August, since my dad passed away on 4th of July. It helps me deal with his loss, and gives me some solace. Another crazy thing, as I typed this, the first case in this video happened on my birth date 4th of February, interesting....
    Ohh how I miss you dad 😢💔❤️

    • @gingerstoudt6978
      @gingerstoudt6978 Месяц назад +7

      Sorry for your loss, and I see how this would give you comfort.

    • @creativebubble.7836
      @creativebubble.7836 Месяц назад +1

      @@gingerstoudt6978 ......I understand your dear dad passed when I was only 6............I am now 72 and as you do Jason,,,I think of him every day,,,,,,

    • @Emily-ir8rg
      @Emily-ir8rg Месяц назад +4


    • @ConSeann3ry
      @ConSeann3ry Месяц назад +3

      Aww man, that's really special. Appreciate you sharing. When I lost my little bro in an accident I found a lot of comfort in true crime somehow. It was like, well at least he wasn't murdered, at least I'm not currently being murdered etc lol.

    • @francisulbrich9159
      @francisulbrich9159 Месяц назад +4

      Sorry, I lost my adopted dad's new YEAR'S EVE, 2024

  • @AllSven
    @AllSven Месяц назад +64

    Love the narrator - Gene Galusha - he died in 2008 😢 ❤️

  • @Tony-gq8pi
    @Tony-gq8pi Месяц назад +25

    Love it how police solve these cases just amazing
    Thank you for your work

    • @amyconway4549
      @amyconway4549 Месяц назад

      Wish they work Idaho 4 real killerssss would be caught

  • @tijenhoca6371
    @tijenhoca6371 27 дней назад +17

    😅this society is amazing. Every country needs them. Thank you ladies and gentelmen of the soiety.

  • @kewsiyehboah9514
    @kewsiyehboah9514 Месяц назад +35

    Narrator:- Gene Galusha..
    SunRise:- August 20th - 1941
    SunSet:- August 6th - 2008
    Unfortunately Tomorrow is Promised to No One..
    All da Best Folks..

  • @eyokirvideos7400
    @eyokirvideos7400 Месяц назад +35

    I know its easy to speak about this after the fact but I am still shocked a lot of the victims don't see the glaring red flags when it comes to their killers intentions

    • @shevoy_000
      @shevoy_000 Месяц назад +6

      Totally understand your perspective

    • @mariochavez2204
      @mariochavez2204 24 дня назад +1


    • @JeffLiles-y9q
      @JeffLiles-y9q 9 дней назад +3

      People can be very deceiving

  • @ScottMcGoldrick
    @ScottMcGoldrick Месяц назад +13

    Goodnight guys, sweet dreams ❤🌛✨✨✨✨✨

  • @religiohominilupus5259
    @religiohominilupus5259 Месяц назад +10

    Don't know how the Vidocq Society operated back in a day, but nowadays, you can't contact them for help in a case unless you go through law enforcement or the DA's office.

  • @kregpeterman3145
    @kregpeterman3145 26 дней назад +5

    A few more commercials would make this more interesting, make sure it's the same commercials everytime also. That way I will know what I absolutely will never use/buy that/those products.

  • @chrisbassett8996
    @chrisbassett8996 6 дней назад +2

    the disturbing thing about these videos, is the number of violent people out there.

  • @greenie2390
    @greenie2390 Месяц назад +8

    Scott Dunn's body was found in a shallow grave in very good condition considering it was in a grave. He was found 21 years after his murder in 2012. Per the Charley protect: "Dunn's body was found buried in a shallow grave three doors down from his apartment complex in May 2012. He'd died of blunt force trauma to the head."

    • @Emy53
      @Emy53 13 дней назад +1

      Wow, had they used cadaver dogs, his body would have been found the same day. Didn't they have cadaver dogs back then?

  • @kedebehanna6909
    @kedebehanna6909 20 дней назад +2

    The narratore speaks perfect way thank you 😊

  • @ellentau427
    @ellentau427 24 дня назад +3

    When the victims face is found covered its most likely someone known to her that killed her. They don't want to have to look at the deceased possibly out of guilt .

  • @chrisross1703
    @chrisross1703 Месяц назад +14

    Why didn't they look into Scott's background at the time of the offence??

    • @alternateself1244
      @alternateself1244 Месяц назад +6

      I'm still watching, but he seemed a bit suspicious

    • @Fallopianjunglejuice
      @Fallopianjunglejuice 28 дней назад +1

      I'll play your sick game. Why didn't they look into Scott's backyard at the time of the offense?

    • @janetperez7350
      @janetperez7350 22 дня назад +1


  • @jacobs1447
    @jacobs1447 23 дня назад +4

    01:07:41 I'm unclear why the changed the names of these victims. In real life, their names were Wilson, not White. This was a highly publicized case and the information was in the public domain. So this show wouldn't have been subject to lawsuit. Also, Karen Wilson was part of a larger goth group with the killers that hung out at the local Denny's (total stereotype there). These douche canoes that committed the murders talked all the time about randomly murdering people. So there was sort of a motive. The actual story is somewhat different than what The New Detectives presents here too.

  • @Nicoleen-e1h
    @Nicoleen-e1h Месяц назад +3

    Thank you 😊

  • @LR-sn9gt
    @LR-sn9gt 28 дней назад +6

    How shocking and terrible that these horrors of the human race go unpunished for years, living a nice life as if they have done nothing wrong. Once caught the punishment is not nearly strong enough for what those horrors deserve.

  • @RLU-wt8vi
    @RLU-wt8vi Месяц назад +5

    Jeremy Bach was paroled in 2018 after serving 20 of his 22 years.

  • @hanlievandenberg9241
    @hanlievandenberg9241 10 дней назад +1

    The music is too loud.

  • @andreasplosky8516
    @andreasplosky8516 8 дней назад +1

    It took them 15 years, and the Vidocq Society, to look into the questionable boyfriend.
    Wow... that is some lazy detective work.

    @ARTBACKSTEAKHOUSE Месяц назад +3

    S7E17 always disarms me a little when he says Walter White

  • @ALitScottyB323
    @ALitScottyB323 23 дня назад +2

    this non profit group is so important and really is a great mixture of the Minds of each and every person who has some things to give back with the knowledge of criminal behaviour in all aspects , including laws that others know about , lawyers or lab technology experts , the list could be endless if you have a whole load of good individuals who care to help people in the need for real professional advice and then go forward with an investigation into perhaps your own families lives that's not been solved yet , great idea of the gathering of great Minds alike in different ways and walks of life .

  • @amyrudolph2079
    @amyrudolph2079 Месяц назад +5

    Yay ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @AnilaManganaro
    @AnilaManganaro 13 дней назад

    well done guys good job

  • @glion7792
    @glion7792 13 дней назад +1

    Those cops investigating first case were lame- they didn’t question boyfriend? They Didn’t look
    For scratches on his body- !? They must have missed detecting 101 class- !!! Wow.

  • @dot2562
    @dot2562 Месяц назад +4

    Tracking a bird a down ward angle but didnt see 🙄

  • @daniellelawman9724
    @daniellelawman9724 29 дней назад +3

    Why does it say Scott Dunn's body was never found? He has been found. Micah's murderer was retried 3 times and each time, he got life without parole. However, at around 2017, a new law or whatever it was, made it so he can now have parole.

    • @kl6960
      @kl6960 23 дня назад +3

      More than likely it was recorded before any of that happened, this is a very old show, I remember it being on tv when I was a child in 1990s/very early 2000s.

    • @anna9072
      @anna9072 16 дней назад

      @@kl6960yes. The father says something about his joining the Vidocq Society “10 years ago”, and the body wasn’t found until 21 years after the murder.

  • @francisulbrich9159
    @francisulbrich9159 Месяц назад +3

    Most of us don't think in these terms because we don't have, that frame of mind the perpetrators are evil Subhuman, Savages for sure 😢

  • @dot2562
    @dot2562 Месяц назад +7

    Known as goth..they pretend to be whitches and vampires 🙄🙄🙄

  • @catherinehiggins4476
    @catherinehiggins4476 21 день назад +1

    Think her Boy friend kill her because he own money 💰 to people ,

  • @marvinhare
    @marvinhare 18 дней назад +1

    The mans son was only worth 20 years what a same.

  • @Texas_Made_
    @Texas_Made_ Месяц назад +6

    36:20,did I hear that right.....she still lived in the same complex as a man she says is stalking her and won't leave her alone...🥴

  • @elizabethpriebe1220
    @elizabethpriebe1220 3 дня назад

    Can't believe the police didn't question/ investigate her boyfriend more closely
    And scrutinise his whereabouts that night or nature/lifestyle. If her parents found him odd / suspicious and her friends state she was leaving him due to his threatening/jealous and unpredictable nature, why wasn't any of this picked upon by the original investigation !? It took 14 years & a cold case detective to seek help from a society of specialists who work among his profession to basically tell him the obvious and that the suspect/murderer had been there all along ! If the police checked out and scrutinised his alibi more closely and that's not counting the other witness/s statements. This wouldn't have been a cold case. But... I guess it's easy to give an opinion and have some kind of foresight after the advent. May she r.i.p god bless her and her family. My deepest condolences and sympathy to these young ladies loved ones. May he rot sitting in jail. What a monster !

  • @TheMichaelRN
    @TheMichaelRN Месяц назад +3

    New detectives podcast please 🙏

    • @whelkpeopleofdoom
      @whelkpeopleofdoom Месяц назад +2

      I just know this is because you want to wear headphones (probably to listen to as you go to sleep), but RUclips stops playing when you lock your phone, lol. I can relate 🥲

    • @AJs_RC
      @AJs_RC Месяц назад

      @@whelkpeopleofdoom RUclips premium plays with phone locked 😊

  • @dinsmorekeir4807
    @dinsmorekeir4807 2 дня назад

    You go with someone that don't like you, that is not smart

  • @Paul-mq5yn
    @Paul-mq5yn Месяц назад +3

    why did the local cops take 16 years and prompting from the league of shadows to suspect the creepy controlling boyfriend in the first case??

    • @greenie2390
      @greenie2390 Месяц назад +2

      Suspicious behavior is not a jailable offense. In 1984 DNA was minimal and expensive. Most they could tell was iffy, as the DNA under her fingernails would not have been enough. In the USA, once tried for murder and found not guilty, you cannot be tried again for the same murder.

  • @painparty7937
    @painparty7937 Месяц назад +3

    14 years to solve a crime? Ridiculous

    • @BryanG-x7d
      @BryanG-x7d Месяц назад +2

      Took 20 to catch the green River killer.

  • @liquidpuffin5267
    @liquidpuffin5267 5 дней назад

    It was Gus Fring.

  • @juliewatkins458
    @juliewatkins458 29 дней назад +4

    Please remove the music

    • @kl6960
      @kl6960 23 дня назад +2

      It's a tv show from the 1990s/early 2000s so fat chance 😂

    • @infectedgoat7775
      @infectedgoat7775 10 дней назад

      Casio keyboard demo on repeat lol

  • @kiszmyazz1026
    @kiszmyazz1026 Месяц назад +8

    The music is annoying

    • @SamsonOkwiri254
      @SamsonOkwiri254 28 дней назад +1

      😂😂😂😂 it's a corded message to aliens 👽 😊

  • @MrWhiteponyderby
    @MrWhiteponyderby Месяц назад +5

    A "movement known as goth" who writes this script, being a goth isnt a movement, my days, you gonna call punks a movement aswell!!!

    • @RLU-wt8vi
      @RLU-wt8vi Месяц назад

      Hey! What about us 'Greasers'? (LOL)

    • @Jerry-dn5yw
      @Jerry-dn5yw 29 дней назад

      Punks are just......

    • @kl6960
      @kl6960 23 дня назад +1

      This show is about 30 years old and the people who created it weren't exactly young at the time either 😂

    • @infectedgoat7775
      @infectedgoat7775 10 дней назад

      Hello fellow greaser-goths!!! How do I punk? Rocks on 🤘

    • @Jerry-dn5yw
      @Jerry-dn5yw 10 дней назад

      There's still a lot of punks to this day that have nothing to do with music!

  • @AnilaManganaro
    @AnilaManganaro 13 дней назад

    he deserved be in jail for life

  • @SabinaDassion
    @SabinaDassion 4 часа назад

    Richard Walter aka America's fake Sherlock.

  • @ThoernerTimes
    @ThoernerTimes 19 дней назад +1

    The content is good. The music however is completely useless, distracting and simply annoying. Impossible to watch...

  • @Le_monarch13
    @Le_monarch13 7 дней назадвидео.htmlsi=0s1035ecX4ABNj9y

  • @masterphotronics.670
    @masterphotronics.670 Месяц назад +1


    • @greenie2390
      @greenie2390 Месяц назад

      Ahhh it is so endearing (not) to see a jealous twit. At least they are trying to do something positive, whereas you must get your jollies trolling. P.S. it is Vidocq not VIDOQ.